Do you eat rabbit?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
6:05 AM
This is in Regional Food, because rabbit is very popular here in Spain. Every Spanish cookbook has a selection of rabbit recipes, and if you order a proper Valencian Paella, it will have rabbit and chicken in there - and maybe snails as well.

I've never actually cooked it, but last week Lidl had some prepared rabbit on offer - I couldn't bring myself to butcher the whole skinned rabbits they usually sell. Anyway, I made up a great recipe, which I'll share if anyone is interested.

So, do you eat rabbit in your country?
Yes; love rabbit and we eat it 5 or 6 times a month and Oz my Collie eats a Barf rabbit once a week. But I am lucky as friends of mine are pest controllers with several rabbiting contracts and once a month during the winter I go out with them and fly my Red Tail Hawks over rabbit warrens being ferreted.
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I have never had it but I would definitely be open to trying it.
I don't personally eat rabbit but there are a handful of restaurants in New Zealand which will from time to time offer rabbits on their menu. I remember one of my grandmother's telling me that she once tried to order a rabbit dish off a menu the day before Easter and the wait staff asked if she wanted to consider ordering something else given the time of year ha ha.
I'm from the South (U.S.) and rabbit is popular here. It is also one of the healthiest foods for humans. I have always enjoyed it.

As a survival food it does not have enough fat, so if you are stuck out in the wilderness with nothing else to eat you must supplement it with something fatty. I believe that eating the brain under these circumstances might help, but try to find some nuts. Unless you enjoy eating brains. I would prefer nuts.
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