Do you eat what you cook?


23 Apr 2014
Local time
4:14 AM
Sometimes when I cook, I get no appetite so I don't eat them despite feeling hungry and being satisfied with the taste. That's why sometimes I don't cook and I only rarely do. I've heard many people complain the same thing. So I am now wondering if it were a normal thing.
If I am cooking just for me then I do. When I cook a large meal for a group of people I just pick at things when I am cooking. Later on after everyone is gone I might make a plate for myself.
This happens to me too, and my experience is exactly as firelily99 has stated. Whenever I cook for myself, I still have appetite for it, although not as much as if I hadn't prepared the meal myself, and when I prepare for others, I end up having even less appetite. I think it's due to the combination of being tired and having to be within the range of the food smells for a long period.
I cook all my meals at home. I enjoy cooking and I like eating everything I cook. When I cook a meal for guests I also enjoy the meal, but maybe not quite as much as the meals I make just for myself.

Does it not look a little strange to guests when the person who cooks the mean does not want to eat it?
Yes ~ I do eat what I cook. I am usually cooking due to being hungry for a particular meal or dish. So I make if for myself, since my husband only cooks whatever he is hungry for, it is the only way to get my favorite meals!
If I am cooking just for me then I do. When I cook a large meal for a group of people I just pick at things when I am cooking. Later on after everyone is gone I might make a plate for myself.

I am the same. When I cook for myself I am always ravenous when it comes to eat it, but if I am cooking for a few people I tend to lose my appetite for it if I've been slaving over the stove for hours.
I cook for myself all the time, so yes. But that said, I do also understand somewhat what you are talking about. It mainly happens when I am cooking something that takes a long time, such as chicken noodle soup from scratch or some slow cooked pork or beef roast. I think it's just the fact that I am at home the whole day smelling it, that makes me completely sick of it by the time it is done.

That is why I mainly cook quick meals for myself, stuff that hits the spot with whatever it is I am craving, but doesn't take so long that I am left staving and snacking on other things the whole time waiting for it to be done.
Sometimes when I cook, I get no appetite so I don't eat them despite feeling hungry and being satisfied with the taste. That's why sometimes I don't cook and I only rarely do. I've heard many people complain the same thing. So I am now wondering if it were a normal thing.
I eat what I cook, but I do sample my food as I go along and those samples add up. when the meal is done I'm not as hungry as I was when I started.
Sometimes when I cook, I get no appetite so I don't eat them despite feeling hungry and being satisfied with the taste. That's why sometimes I don't cook and I only rarely do. I've heard many people complain the same thing. So I am now wondering if it were a normal thing.

I love my own cooking. The only time I don't eat in the "full" sense of the word is when I am cooking for a large gathering and end up tasting everything. What's more, I don't feel comfortable enough to eat a meal until I have seen my guest eat and the look of satisfaction is all over their faces.
I do not have a problem with eating what I cook. My appetite is just as good as if someone else had cooked it for me. What I would say, though, is that after the job of cooking, I usually like to wait a few minutes before I sit down to eat, since I do not like to eat when I am tired. So, I would just relax for a few minutes before actually having the meal, unless I was in a hurry to go somewhere, or very hungry. I believe eating when you are relaxed rather than when your body is tired, is better health-wise too.
Often I have no choice!:laugh: I don't like waste so if no one will eat it I will.
I do like my own cooking, but I cook in bulk so end up freezing a lot of it. Sometimes after I have cooked I can't beat looking at it anymore and freeze it! Other times I have this great idea to freeze it in portions and then eat the whole thing! I'm a moody eater though.
I usually eat what I cook, especially if it is something that I like to make and it tastes good!!! :wink:
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