Do you get attached to your cookware?

29 Dec 2014
Local time
1:40 AM
Dallas, Texas
Last night as I was washing dishes, I dropped my favorite 13x9 pan and it broke into pieces. I am so bummed out! I know I can easily replace it, but I get so attached to my favorite cooking gear. Does that happen to any of you?
I know there are some people who have a sentimental attachment to various things, and cookware may be one of them. However, I would not say that I am one who get so attached to these inanimate objects that I would have a problem replacing one of them if it broke. I do get accustomed to using the cooking gear that I have now, but I know that there are others on the market. The only setback for me would be the expense involved in having to buy a new item.
Both myself and my wife have certain 'favourite' items - the ones we are most happy using and feel 'happy' with. For example we had a vegetable peeler that we inherited from my mother and we both used it until the metal of the blade was so worn it simply fell apart. Of course we bought a replacement and it looked just the same but somehow it didn't work as well. Was it just sentiment - don't know but we both felt that the old one just worked better.
It must be attachment when I would not throw out a saucepan that has one handle. It happens to me a lot and I think I must put a stop to it. It could be dangerous although I have survived for some time with this particular saucepan without a single burn. I do have others which can easily replace this particular saucepan, but something about the way it makes me want to hold on to it. Recently I threw out a mug I spoke about here but was holdingon to once the handle broke. It was a tough call.
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Not only with the cookware but also with other kitchen and dining items like plates. Do you know that we have 2 brown plates that we had won in the carnival some 30 years ago? It would break my heart if it breaks just like that so I always point out to our housemaid to be careful with those plates. What we are using for drinking is the set of glasses that was a gift from a neighbor sometime in 1998. Obviously we are also careful with those 6 glasses which seems unbreakable.
There's definitely things I'm attached to, that I'd be pretty disappointed if I broke. I think it's things with sentimental value mainly, like things my granny handed down to me. It's one thing if you can replace them in a store - that's just a minor inconvenience then - but when it's something that you can't replace and has more than monetary value, then it's hard.
I do have my favorite cookware and it upsets me if something I like breaks or I need to replace it. Most of my cookware has been around for sometime and some of it has been passed down to me. I feel the same way as cupcakechef, it is one thing if you can just go out and get another one but when it is one of a kind and something that is special to you it is hard to let it go.
Only sentimental value on items, but I have a knife that I just can't replace and I use it for turning pomme chateau, I would be devistated if I broke it!
I'm afraid I break so many things so often that I've learned not to care! But perhaps I might be a little upset if I broke my oyster plates.
One time I got so attached to my porcelain knives when it was all the rage. I ordered a ton of them online but sadly one by through the years they keep breaking up easily. Like when I drop my porcelain knife by accident it also breaks like porcelain. It was such a bad knife that I invested a lot of sentiment on. No more porcelain knives for me lest it breaks my heart next.
I always value the things that I had whether it is my personal things or other things that I had bought many years ago or the things that are given as gifts by members of the family, relatives and friends. I always value all of this things. And with regards to the things that are in the kitchen we had many sets of plates, saucers, cups and saucers, glasses, pots and pans and other kitchen cookwares and utensils. Of course we cannot avoid the fact that sometimes it might break and if that happens I am always sad because I am always attached to this things especially the old ones that had sentimental value to me.
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