Do you like your burgers rare?

I just complained about those stupid things in an earlier thread!

Oh, and I would have eaten that burger in your pic, no problem. :laugh:
What peeves me even more, is that they put that danged paper down and then your food, which will sog it out and using a knife & fork to eat with makes it worse!
Don't know where you dine, but every 1/4 sheet "plate" that I've been served wasn't warped. They must buy the same brand of trays that I do, Nordicware, the best!
I was watching a guy eating off one yesterday while I was getting my takeout, and it was obviously bulged out in the middle, because every time he touched it, it would start spinning. :laugh:
Nope , no rare burgers for me. I once had food poisoning from a bad burger and like Anthony Bourdain said, it makes you pray to any God there is to end your misery. I have had some less bad nights with an active Crohns flare..

I would eat steak tartare or prepare ( Belgian raw meat bread topping) or something when prepared by a Michelin star chef, but not from anyone who has less of a reputation to worry about.
And speaking of quarter sheet pans: I went looking for my favorite sheet pan that I use everyday, and it's looking like Nordicware® is no longer offering the Naturals Baker line 1/4 pans sold individually, you can buy them in a set ... but, I could order online from Wally-World. Got me 3 and will just stash them away for future use.
I have more 1/8 sheet pans though, I use them A TON too.
This is the sheet pan recommended by America's Test Kitchen, I've been using them foe many years now. No issues with them at all.
Nope , no rare burgers for me. I once had food poisoning from a bad burger and like Anthony Bourdain said, it makes you pray to any God there is to end your misery. I have had some less bad nights with an active Crohns flare..

I would eat steak tartare or prepare ( Belgian raw meat bread topping) or something when prepared by a Michelin star chef, but not from anyone who has less of a reputation to worry about.
DH & I both got food poisoning from bad burgers at White Castle in Las Vegas ... terrible! What made it worse was we were a hotel room with only one toilet :eek:
They sell White Castle frozen burgers in the supermarkets and I have to avert my eyes when ever I walk past them. :yuck:
DH & I both got food poisoning from bad burgers at White Castle in Las Vegas ... terrible! What made it worse was we were a hotel room with only one toilet :eek:
They sell White Castle frozen burgers in the supermarkets and I have to avert my eyes when ever I walk past them. :yuck:
Yeah I get that completely I have never set foot in that place anymore either ( it was a chain restaurant). It's something you never forget.
DH & I both got food poisoning from bad burgers at White Castle in Las Vegas ... terrible! What made it worse was we were a hotel room with only one toilet :eek:
They sell White Castle frozen burgers in the supermarkets and I have to avert my eyes when ever I walk past them. :yuck:

I got food poisoning from a breakfast buffet in Vegas. I only had one meal, but I swear I barfed up at least five meals. I was expecting my organs to come up before long. That was miserable.

I’ll eat it rare to med/rare if I ground it myself. Which we do a lot. It’s gotta come from one cow.

That's the tricky part about buying from a supermarket. The ground meat in the pack may or may not be from the same animal. Even a pack of steaks might not all have come from the same place. Likewise, the fruits or vegetables in a bag are unlikely to be from the same plant or even the same harvest. It's easier to spot this when 3 of the pears in a bag start to turn to mush while the others are still rock hard. But, I'm not sure how I'd ever know this with meat if I didn't know how the meat got there.
I like good raw burgers, but I won't eat them raw everywhere too.
Before I risk my stomach I'm gonna take it well-done
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