Do you rinse your rice before cooking it?

I always thought it was an Asian thing because my mom insisted I wash my rice but my stepmother had never heard of doing such a thing. I was told that some rice is enriched with vitamins and you're not supposed to rinse it because that removed those. The thing is- my mom once washed her rice pretty well, but missed a little rock that cracked my tooth. So I usually wash my rice.
Yes, I always rinse rice and soak it for 10-15 minutes before cooking it. I can't use rice before rinsing it first as it gives a distinct smell which stays even after cooking it.
...The thing is- my mom once washed her rice pretty well, but missed a little rock that cracked my tooth. So I usually wash my rice.

It is because there may be a rock that I sort and pick through my rice before cooking it. My grandmother always checked the rice and so I do as well. It's the same with beans, you want to be sure of what you're eating.
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