Do you shy away from red meats?


8 Mar 2014
Local time
12:42 PM
Red meat has gotten a lot of negative press over the last couple of decades. Like so many other things in the health and nutrition world, we tend to over react and condemn something based on limited information. We now know more than we did in the 80's. Red meat is linked to cholesterol but it is the fatty meat that is the issue.

I now buy leaner ground beef, and leaner cuts of meat in general. I was never one to avoid red meat altogether but I do eat less of it than I used to. Has the bad press made you stay away from red meats? Have you changed the types of meats and the cuts in order to keep red meat in the diet without sacrificing health?
I preferred the meat when more of the fat was left on it. Relatives were butchers an I've killed, gutted, cleaned and cut the meat. Now its all bad for you. From the field to the plate. So it'll take a bit to put me off eating red meat.
Latest "scare" is that pit silage is bad feed for the animals, leading to poor quality meat.

Fowl will be the next scare food given the recent avian flu outbreaks.
Red meat has gotten a lot of negative press over the last couple of decades. Like so many other things in the health and nutrition world, we tend to over react and condemn something based on limited information. We now know more than we did in the 80's. Red meat is linked to cholesterol but it is the fatty meat that is the issue.

I now buy leaner ground beef, and leaner cuts of meat in general. I was never one to avoid red meat altogether but I do eat less of it than I used to. Has the bad press made you stay away from red meats? Have you changed the types of meats and the cuts in order to keep red meat in the diet without sacrificing health?

I love red meat and will continue to eat it. If we believed every food scare then we wouldn't eat anything. Moderation as with all things. Life happens but only once so enjoy just be sensible.
I love red meat, the more the better.

The only time I shy away from it is when it is on four legs and has big horns and is in a field.
I'm nor much of a meat water and have always been like this. I tend to eat more white meat than red. I don't shy away from food, my taste buds are what changes.
I usually go with what's available. Though I agree that I've shied away from them for a while and prefer ground beef and meats with leaner cuts, I can't help but try red meat every once in a while.
I have gotten away from it over the years although on occasion I do eat some. I find myself feeling really logy after I eat red meat so most of the time my protein comes from dairy, chicken or most kinds of fish and seafood. I do love a charbroiled burger from time to time though!
Growing up, my parents didn't cook much red meat. I'm not adverse to red meat now and I'll eat it sporadically, but I never got accustomed to it, so I don't miss it when I haven't had it for a long time.
We had it a lot when I was a kid so I had to go along with it if I wanted to eat. As an adult I finally figured out that it simply didn't agree with me, I feel very logy after eating red meat. I don't miss it at all which is a good sign.
We have always preferred leaner cuts of red meat because we aren't big fans of fat and really dislike the texture. I still make red meat, but try to limit it to no more than two times a week, but generally no more than one. We buy organic red meat, not sure if this really is better for us, because I am trying to find the "best" red meat we can buy.
Even when I do eat red meat I try to keep it as low fat as possible. The grease just doesn't work for me to begin with but since I do love a good charbroiled burger I will go with it. I just can't digest the red meat as well as other sources of protein.
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