Do you sometimes impress yourself?


Senior Member
2 Sep 2022
Local time
5:23 PM
Zambezi Valley, Zambia
Like when everything just comes together for a meal better than expected?

I'm a free style cook. Just play and do what I think works.
So today, I thought I could use cream cheese (challenge ingredient) as a "sauce" to go with my steak.
Garlic, green pepper corns pounded in mortar with a bit of salt and dregs of a chili paste I made.
Steak over wood fire
Double fried chips...
Oh man, the combo just worked.

So, does this happen to you? Your meal working out (even) better than expected?
And what did you cook?
Don't worry going far back in time...

I've made meals that I had high expectations of, but was underwhelmed with as well, but I'm after those "what the heck, did I make this" experiences :)
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Like when everything just comed together for a meal better than expected?

I'm a free style cook. Just play and do what I think works.
So today, I thought I could use cream cheese (challenge ingredient) as a "sauce" to go with my steak.
Garlic, green pepper corns pounded in mortar with a bit of salt and dregs of a chili paste I made.
Steak over wood fire
Double fried chips...
Oh man, the combo just worked.

So, does this happen to you? Your meal working out (even) better than expected?
And what did you cook?
Don't worry going far back in time...

I've made meals that I had high expectations of, but was underwhelmed with as well, but I'm after those "what the heck, did I make this" experiences :)
Yeah, to the point where my DH asked me if my arm was sore from patting myself on the back! I have a few that I made as CB challenges that turned out beyond amazing. I will go back through and find them...BRB with an edit.

Oh yeah, and I have made my share of awful food too, though less frequently in my older age.

Here's one great one: Recipe - Mini Sushi Bagels
And another: Recipe - Golden Masa Seafood Crepes with PEI Mussels and Lemon Butter Corn Crema

And of course I am not going to bother posting my fails, who wants to see that? :laugh:
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impress? ummm, how about "surprise?"

I do pizza from scratch - flour water yeast and forward. have not 'bought' a pizza in decades . . .
yesterday was pizza night. DW raved . . . best pizza ever!!!
what happened?
well . . . for sauce I used Classico's Basil (left over from spaghetti&meatballs....)

then, inadvertently I "double salted" the dough - semolina+KA bread flour+yeast+water+salt

notes made; future pizzas will confirm/deny 'that's what happened'
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