Do you USe a juicer?


2 Aug 2015
Local time
1:59 AM
Virginia, USA
I have been thinking about getting a juicer for quite some time. Someone near me was selling a nice one a while ago, but sadly I didn't have the money a the time. I wonder if they will have some reasonably priced ones for the holiday. One of my friends found one at the thrif tstore. Unless it was still in the box, not sure I would want to buy one there...but I am not that person!
I'm sure there will be a lot of deals on juicers in the next few months. I think I may purchase one soon as it's almost summer here in New Zealand and there's nothing better than a fresh juice or smoothie on a hot day. Plus some of the newer models can be used to make salsa ect
Pardon me if my post is not a positive one. My sister-in-law had gifted me with a juicer that is made in the US. But I had kept it in the storage since we prefer the juice in can. When my mother suffered a stroke, my sister who is in charge of my mother said that she needs a juicer. When I had brought that juicer, it wouldn't run so it is not used until now although my sister said she would bring the juicer to the repair shop. Those electric gadgets are sometimes not good to be stored for a long time.
Yes I have one and have stages of using it,I use it in my job for extracting juices for savoury jams and jus,they are a bit of a toy ,I will juice gluts of beetroot and veg,but it's a great bit of kit that does a job nothing else can do
My husband used to juice for me. He went out and bought a juicer and made me happy juicing everything for a few weeks or months. Then it stopped......Ever so often I run across some of the parts.
Wow, it sounds like juicers can be temperamental. I will make sure I read the reviews on juciers before I buy one. I don't want to spend an excessive amount of time cleaning them also. I just think the interesting combination of juices you can get with juicers are good. I would like carrot apple etc. or maybe beetroot and something,
I have a juicer but don't use it too often. I find that it's a lot of work for what you get. It is also a lot of work cleaning up the machine and all the parts. I prefer to make a smoothie as a way of getting fruits and veggies into my diet. With the juicer you lose all the fibre from whatever you are juicing and have to throw it out.
I have a juicer but don't use it too often. I find that it's a lot of work for what you get. It is also a lot of work cleaning up the machine and all the parts. I prefer to make a smoothie as a way of getting fruits and veggies into my diet. With the juicer you lose all the fibre from whatever you are juicing and have to throw it out.

I can relate to this. I have a juicer in the house, but it has not been used in years. I like the juice that I get at the end of all of the work, but the process is really time consuming, and the cleaning up part is even more time consuming. I used to like blending vegetables with fruit, like carrots, celery and cucumber with apples, for instance. I know these juices have many health benefits, and the sooner we drink them after they are made, the better.
Wow, it sounds like juicers can be temperamental. I will make sure I read the reviews on juciers before I buy one. I don't want to spend an excessive amount of time cleaning them also. I just think the interesting combination of juices you can get with juicers are good. I would like carrot apple etc. or maybe beetroot and something,

With an invention every second, I am sure there are juicers that are not as complicated as some we might have. I looked at the one my husband bought years ago and knew immediately I was not going to have a very close relationship with it. I really loved that he was so into it but sadly it did not go on indefinitely. I could not even set it up if I tried. Still I believe I might have seen some that are far less bothersome to clean up.
Juicers are great to have - just be sure to get one that doesn't have a lot of parts to assemble or take apart for cleaning. That's the thing that hangs me up with juicers. If it means adding a lot of time to prep and cleaning I won't want to juice because I am usually running short on time. Also, it takes a lot of raw material to make a glass of juice. I need to get back into it though.
I am hoping to get a juicer for Christmas this year because I really want to start making my own fresh juices. I am requesting a Ninja brand juicer if that helps anyone out at all
I have a juicer that only juices citrus fruits it's perfect for that job when I need the juice of more than say two oranges or lemons.

I also have a smoothie maker that can cope with every veg and fruit I throw in it. This gets used every morning and gives me three of my five a day in one go.

Mind you on average we get about ten a day in our house.

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