Do you use a meat thermometer?


15 Nov 2014
Local time
10:43 AM
Whenever me and my boyfriend cook we both are afraid of eating raw meat so we leave our meat cooking a lot longer then I am sure we need to. We went out and bought a meat thermometer and let me tell you it has saved us! We have not had over cooked meat since and it feels good knowing that your cooking it to just the right temperature. Do you use a meat thermometer or are you just good at guessing/telling?
I don't use a meat thermometer since I don't currently have the means to go and get one. I plan on getting it in the future, but thankfully right now I'm not eating a whole bunch of meat. ((Well, I am, but not at my own house so I don't have to worry about cooking it)). As far as guessing meat temp when I do cook, I'm pretty good at it. Most of my meats are either grilled or made medium rare, which makes it easy to tell when I've cooked it properly via guessing; but just in case I won't share cooked meats with others until I have my own meat thermometer.
Very much so and very often, I use one! To avoid overcooking or undercooking of all meats. :eek:
I am sure I have one around here somewhere, but I have not used it once as far as I can remember. I just remember purchasing it ages ago when I felt it was something a good cook should own. I am guessing a really good cook should be using it as well:)?

Now the subject has come up I will try to find mine and possibly use it. I think I was a bit like Sorrowcall. I figured I had my cooking covered and didn't need a thermometer:wink:.
I have never used a meat thermometer, but it sounds like a good idea. However, I do time the cooking of my meats. After a certain time has passed, say about an hour or a little more, I would know the meat is finished. It is possible that I let it cook a little more than is necessary, but I prefer to do it this way than to have it undercooked. The time taken depends on the type of meat also. I would usually let pork cook a little longer than beef, for instance.
I think that having and using a meat thermometer is a very important thing, because it is vital - especially when it comes to roasting and baking things like turkey / chicken breasts & fish. These are the 2 most crucial things that are so easy to mess up and overcook, and once that happens, they are ruined and the sad mistake can't be reversed!! :eek:
No we never had one in our household, my mom is a fantastic cook and never uses it. Me on the other hand....erh I am ok but no I don't ever use it.
I always use a meat thermometer because I am always worried that I will undercook or overcook. We've gone through several throughout the years. My favorite are always the ones that have the probe attached to a long wire that connects to a unit outside the oven that monitors the temperature and even has an alarm to alert you when your meat has reached a certain temperature. If you look at the big box stores like Walmart or Target you can probably find one that is decent for fair price. If you have the means and want to go even more high-tech, there are ones available that even connect to your phone via bluetooth.
I have never owned or used a meat thermometer. I usually just pierce the meat with a skewer and check if the juices run clear or not. Never has food poisoning yet!
I don't guess where meat or poultry is concerned. My meat thermometer gets a lot of use in our house, especially in the winter when I am baking food in the oven a lot more.
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