Do you use cast iron over fire? What brand? If not, what do you use?


Über Member
11 Oct 2015
Local time
10:04 AM
When I cook over a fire, I use Lodge cast iron. I love them, but sometimes wonder if there isn't a better way. I like variety, too. So, what methods do you enjoy using when cooking over fire? One notable fact: I use a fire pit, and rarely have access to a grill. I use wood for the fuel, rather than hot coals.
Made a couple of large pans from beer barrels, complete with lids. Used when having to boil large amounts of water whilst camping with the scouts.
Left on a "dying fire" at night, the water would be half way heated in the morning. Used for larger camp stews as well, industrial pans being too costly, or not big enough.
We have a cast iron dutch oven that is made by Lodge. We've used it many times over the fire. We also have a couple smaller skillets that we've used occasionally, they are from Cabella's. We have mainly only used them for frying bacon and eggs and such, so I'm not sure a difference would be made in brand. All of ours are very well seasoned; I think that is the key.
We just use a regular frying pan and it seems to hold up.good. We are looking at getting a cast iron one but they are costly.
It's the traditional way so yes of course but the thing can be heavy so steel pans or frying pans also do wonders. When I used to go camping our scout leader used cleaned up stones (flat and otherwise) to cook our meat. It was pretty cool to see since it was very reminiscent of prehistoric times. I think stoneware pans are also good for grilling just because it's been used for many centuries now before iron.
When I cook over a fire, I use Lodge cast iron. I love them, but sometimes wonder if there isn't a better way. I like variety, too. So, what methods do you enjoy using when cooking over fire? One notable fact: I use a fire pit, and rarely have access to a grill. I use wood for the fuel, rather than hot coals.

there are other devices you can use to cook with over your open flame. Like this from Bass Pro Shops.

Not sure this would work for you though. not sure how you are camping/living? car, hiking, etc.

On this not only can you cook directly over the fire on the grate but also wrapped in foil. (pouches)
I haven't cooked over a fire for ages. Even when I used to go camping alot we would use cookstoves. I used to have a popcorn maker for the fireplace though. You could cook popcorn directly over a fire, and it was fun...but you had to watch it carefully because it was very easy to burn it. I miss my fireplace! I do have a little fire pit in the back, but I haven't tried to cook over it.
it's basically like cooking over gas or charcoal. embers are better for the longer cooking times and the fire is GREAT for searing! Would that portable grill stand be something that would work for you?
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