Do you worry about mercury in the fish you eat?

I've never restricted the amount I eat out of fear, no. However, I have found myself consistently worried about all the things I feed myself & my family. It's crazy how often I hear about recalls on certain foods due to someone's simple mistake along with 'natural' occurrences like this one. Seems never ending.
My place is near the coastal region of our country and we have lots of seafoods and tunas here. Our government imposes some ban in some certain type of seafoods. The most common one is swordfish. I used to love this fish before but after the ban I seldomly eat them.
I love tuna and salmon, and I eat each of them at least once a week. Until now, I haven't turned into a walking thermometer, so I see no reason to avoid it. If you ate tuna or salmon every day of your life, in huge quantities, there may be a risk of mercury poisoning, but in sensible amounts, it's fine. You can stress out too much about food, if you're not careful.

You are right about that Sandra. There always seems to stories about how things are bad for you, if you paid close attention to all stories then you wouldn't eat or drink anything. Sensible amounts of all things is definitely the way to go.
There are pollutants in the air you breath, would you stop breathing because of it? Just be sensible and don't be frightened off things unless genuinely poisonous.
i believe the main warnings are aimed at pregnant ladies and nursing mothers and young children,are there not a lot of risks with a lot of foods ,maybe i could catch something ..... so no i don't worry
I don't really care as I generally don't even eat fish that often, because I'm allergic (although apparently not to all fish). Fish oil helps me a lot, although whenever I do decide to eat fish, thinking about the mercury contents would be literally the last thing on my mind. And I'd say that if you follow the general moderation guidelines, you'll be good to go in most cases.
I try not to worry but there is a concern. I really do not eat fish that much where it would be something to worry about. I probably eat it twice a month. I eat more chicken than anything. I think that if a person eats it a lot then there should be a concern.
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