Does fresh milk contain sugar?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
10:34 AM
Brighton, MA.
I've been told this several times in the past few months, but there seems to be no way to prove it. Other than looking at the ingredient listings. And it is not listed there. This is fresh dairy milk that you buy in the refrigerator section near the butter, oj & eggs.

The staff at the Diabetes Center keep telling me this, but they, themselves don't really know. Are they just going by their own beliefs, or is it really true? I don't know. I have no idea. :unsure:
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Dairy milk contains sugar in the form of lactose. No sugar is added - its just naturally occurring in the milk. I believe it does need to be taken into consideration for diabetics. But unless you drink a lot of milk every day (or use a lot in sauces) it is probably not going to cause a problem. As always, take the advice of your health professional.
Lactose-free milk is expensive!! Why take out something that raises the price on milk?!! :wacky:
So, THAT'S why they keep on saying that!! Well, I'm not rich! They want me to move over to lactose-free milk & a healthier style of living. But that involves eating healthy foods & doing away with normal foods!! :eek:
I haven't heard about milk… Just watching carbs - cutting down on bread and pasta, and watch the fruit. Pineapple is à big no-no.

Whole wheat or wheat bread is supposed to be far better for you than white bread. But who's to say what is better for who?
With so many things going around?!!
I have done a lot of research on my own, and have Pinterest boards on low carb recipe ideas and Diabetes to refer to.Supposed to take a repeat blood test in a month or so. It can be very confusing at best.
I shop online mostly for staples, and have only seen an organic brand. Maybe it's whole grain. Haven't bought it very often. Same with tortillas, but may need to drop or cut down on all carbs. Will see. Good luck.
Dairy milk does not contain ADDED sugars. At least, not the whole milk. I always wonder about the excipients in skim milk.

Lactose is a sugar, naturally occurring in milk. I have a friend who is lactose intolerant, in a bad way. He will use Lactaid milk in his coffee (it has somehow been rendered free of that sugar). PS, any "-ose" suffix on an ingredient always indicates a sugar...
Lactose-free milk is expensive!! Why take out something that raises the price on milk?!! :wacky:

Lactose causes GI tract problems in some people. DD is 1 of those people. She was born before breast feeding/pumping came back into favor so was formula fed. Right after coming home from hospital, she started screaming to the point of turning purple and drawing her little legs up to her tummy, then projectile vomiting shortly afterward. Pediatrician had us put her on a soy-based formula and all that stopped. To this day, she has to be really careful about the amount of dairy products she consumes.
If you have been diagnosed as diabetic you need to do some research.
Check out the Diabetes Association website. There is lots of good information and tips on meal planning.
Please do not freak out because you have been diagnosed as diabetic.
You can live well and eat well with Diabetes.
Natural sugars such as those found in dairy products are not the big deal unless you consume large amounts of dairy. You do have to pay attention to fruits and high sugar content vegetables
That does not mean that you can not have them. You have to practice moderation
IDK how active you are. Regular exercise is crucial for controlling your A1C.
A diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes is not the end of the world or your life.
Ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist
They can help you with meal planning on a budget.
Many physical disorders are very subject to mental and emotional issues.
If you have a positive attitude and a calm assessment of your disease you will be able to deal with Diabetes and maintain a normal, healthy lifestyle
Smile, be happy. You have a diagnosis. You know what is wrong. You can deal with it
That is a good thing. Your dietitian will help you with reasonable, realistic meal planning .
When G was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes he pretended that it was not a big issue.
His A1C was 5.25. He said "Not a big deal. I am just barely diabetic. " :hyper:
I told him he must be part Egyptian . He lived in DeNile.
He tried giving his Doctor the "just barely diabetic " routine
Dr. yanked him up and told him that made as much sense as a woman saying she was barely pregnant. No sense what so ever
You either are diabetic/pregnant or you are not
Do a search of the American Diabetes Association. Home site not ad sites
Lots of very good information and support resources.
Non diabetics and people who do not live with a diabetic do not understand what you are dealing with.
Educate yourself
Make use of all resources available. Diabetes is scary but it doesn't have to be life threatening if you love yourself, take care of yourself and have a good support group to help you. :hug:
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