Does Meat Cause Colon Cancer?

Denis Hard

26 Sep 2013
Local time
9:08 PM
Diametrically opposing views about meat the likelihood of meat causing colon cancer. Experts in the subject believe those who predominantly consume processed meat are at a higher risk of getting colon cancer.

Others say the way you cook meat either increases or reduces the risk factor of getting colon cancer cause through consumption of. . .uh, meat. It's said the higher the temperature used to cook the meat the more likely carcinogens [which cause cancer] will get formed thereby making it possible for you to get cancer.

I've seen people who eat meat a lot but have never been diagnosed with cancer. Are the theories about meat causing cancer true considering the fact that not many people have got colon cancer through meat consumption?
This is one of those "hey don't eat this it will kill you instantly" umm... well they call it a study but probably no one did any studying. Just ignore all of these.
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