Double Yolkers


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:14 PM
SE Australia
I have just had another one today. I had at least 2 last week, maybe more because I pickled the hard boiled eggs so didn't see inside them... But today I was peeling another batch for pickling and need 2 for my lunch so pulled a couple of freshly boiled eggs aside. Slicing it up for my lunch I came across this...


If it continues then it looks like one of my new layers has a reproductive problem sadly, which means she will have a shorter laying life and could encounter medical problems along the way. These can easily be life threatening. But for now she's ok and with any luck if will settle in the next few weeks. All of my new layers are free range and organic since birth, so it's just one of those things. She does lay very long thin eggs.
Yesterday I rounded up all the oversized eggs and hard boiled them...
One of the two I had for lunch was a double yolker.
Today both of the ones I had for brunch/lunch were double yolkers.
One is from a pale brown shell layer and the other an average brown shell both with the same date on them, so I know I definitely have at least two girls laying double yolkers right now. I know the identity of one of the chickens, just not the other one, though I have my suspicions.

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