

27 Apr 2014
Local time
7:10 PM
Between a frying pan and a fire
This is less of a culinary technique and more of a preferred method of eating and drinking a snack that's already been technically prepared. Example:

Solid: donut (honey-glazed)
Liquid: coffee
Method: Bite into donut alternately between sips or gulps of coffee until the donut is a small enough size or right shape to sink partially into the coffee. Proceed then to bite into coffee-soaked donut part. Tearing a whole donut in half so as to be able to "dunk" in this manner at the first bite is cheating. Do it. Food is life. Life is joy. Enjoy life and food however you want.

Most recently, I did this with a local oval soft bread bun that I made into peanut butter and banana sandwiches, in creamy soy milk that was chocolate flavored. Note to future self: don't slice the bananas into coin-shapes for sandwiches like this. They slip out. Just one large chunk is better.

For a quick, pre-packaged way, here's also Oreo cookies dunked in milk. Advertisements demonstrate a preceding step to dismantle the cookie sandwich and give the icing cream inside a lick first, but I prefer to twist-squish the cookie parts together so that the icing cream gets pushed all the way to the edge. This helps it hold together better when dunking.

Tim Tam biscuits have something like this, because they're chocolate-covered with porous biscuits inside, nibbling out opposite corners can make it into a sort of straw for coffee, or milk.

For a savory version that's actually an appetizer:

Solid: A nice crusty piece of bread, like a French baguette or batard
Liquid: Olive oil on a plate, with a splash of balsamic vinegar, a pinch of rosemary and sea salt.
Method: Dip the bread into the liquid, or streak it across the plate to mop up all the flavors. Eat the bread.

Biscuits or bread dipped in a brothy soup can be another appetizer. Biscuits or bread in gravy might be more of an after-dinner thing, but if there's bread and gravy available before a meal then why not?

So...what are your favorite snacks or appetizers for dunking?
I love to eat things that I can dip or dunk, I will make entire meals out of the art. I make my own clam dip with dill and horseradish. I cut up a bunch of fresh veggies and have at it. Hardly anytime to put together and hardly any cleanup!
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