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Eating for Bone health


29 Nov 2014
Local time
5:26 PM
long island, n y
I believe what we eat play a major role in our general over all health, but a balance diet may not always be enough to cover all a persons needs depending on there general over all health and conditions they may have. Many conditions are symptomatic , which i suppose is a subject in and of itself.
Anyone who is concerned about bone health needs to consider more than just calcium intake, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C. and beta carotene all play a role in our overall bone health. weight bearing exercise also contributes to and can improve bone strength. I know many people pop a calcium pill or drink cows milk ( which is really only for baby cows ) and think "ok, I am doing good for my bones" but we can protect and improve our bone health with our diets without it being difficult and without dairy products!

*Some Food sources of Calcium...Collard greens, Bok choy, broccoli, figs, dates, navy beans, almond butter, whole soy products, calcium fortified orange juice and soy milk.

* Some Food Sources Of Vitamin D...Almond Milk, soy yogurt, Maitake mushrooms, Portabella mushrooms, fortified ready to eat cereals.. ( at least 10 minutes each day of sunlight exposure is recommended )

* Some Food Sources Of Potassium....banana, spinach, beet greens, lentils, sweet potato, tomatoes, beets, legumes

* Some Food Sources of Magnesium.....almonds, cashews, peanuts, avocado, spinach, lentils, kidney beans, potatoes

* Some Food Sources of Beta Carotene ( Vitamin A)... carrots, carrot juice, yellow, pumpkin, butternut squash, spinach, kale, broccoli, sweet potato, mango, cantaloupe, apricots

* Some Food Sources of Vitamin C.....broccoli, papaya, strawberry, fresh orange juice, kale, guava, mango, kiwi, yellow, red and green bell pepper

I am sure there are plenty more food sources for each , these are just a few and I am not positive but I think ALL mushrooms provide Vitamin D but as I am not 100% if that is accurate I only included the two kinds I know do provide Vitamin D
White beans are also a great source of calcium and the skin of a baked potato has a ton of potassium. When cooked in water the potassium leaches into the water though.
blackstrap molasses is other good source of potassium, magnesium and manganese, providing 10-15% of your daily requirement in a 20g (roughly 1tbsp) serving. tasty as well :D

dates are also good for potassium, copper and manganese... with a single date providing between 3-5% of each.

I find this site really useful. Just use the search function at the top of the page for what you are looking for.
http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/fruits-and-fruit-juices/7348/2 (this will probably default to the dates I have just looked up !)
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