Edible Bird Nests

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
2:04 PM
Detroit, USA
I saw this in the checkout line of an Asian market I visited yesterday:


It cost about $26. I considered getting it, then realized I already had enough of a convoluted idea of what to make that night, so I put it down.

Has anyone worked with edible bird nests before, or at least eaten them? While I know nothing about this, I do know that bird nests are prized in some places, and can cost a small fortune, so I assume this one wasn't exactly a top-of-the-line offering. But, then again, I don't know what to look for: maybe this one will be something I like?
The only thing I know about this is (because I saw it on TV) is that its made of birds' saliva (which does rather put me off). Collecting the saliva is very difficult and dangerous as the birds nest on high rock faces. I'm not sure its worth the money but then I haven't tried it. I think its the spittle the birds use to glue their nests together and has a glutinous texture when made into a soup.

I've no idea what it might taste like though!
They have them in the big Oriental market we go to in a glass display case up in front of the cashiers. I noticed them the last time we were there and was looking at them while Craig paid. They were a lot more than $26 though. I don't remember exactly how much they were, other than thinking I wouldn't pay $100 for that... I'd rather use that money for geoduck or Dungeness.
I'd say if it was that cheap, it's probably not the real thing/counterfeit. (perhaps an "eco" version?)
On the other hand..there are a few deserted old red robin's nests around here that one could put in jars & sell.. :devil:

I believe the real bird's nest (spit) soup is $$$
Not something I'd like to try. They did have them in the old Chinese shop in our local shopping hall, but I can't remember how much they were.
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