Emotional Eating?

I think I am just an eater period. I notice I can eat way more than an average person, and most time I only stop because I'm afraid how insane I look, rather than because I am actually full.
I am an emotional eater, especially when it comes to stress. I am a bored eater too. But I have also done a DNA test through 23andMe and I apparently have the "fat gene". My genotype produces higher levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin.
I do eat when I am bored as well. Right now I am in the middle of quitting smoking and I am trying not to replace smoking with food. That is hard to do. Instead, I have been drinking a lot of hot beverages and chewing a lot of gum.
Instead, I have been drinking a lot of hot beverages
Just watch the sugar content...

I remember one place in worked at where they only had a coffee machine where you pressed the button and told it what told wanted (1 sugar, 2 sugar, 1 powdered milk etc). The coffee even on its weakest setting was like paint stripper and needed lots of sugar to make it drinkable. After a month I had put so much weight on it was ridiculous, so I started keeping the last empty plastic mug, getting 1 ordinary coffee and 2 mugs of hot water... The result was 4 drinkable cups of coffee with equating to 6 teaspoons of sugar less! The weight soon dropped off again and others quickly followed suit!
I tend to eat when I'm bored. I have no idea why, but it happens, lol. My best tip for emotional eating is to eat only healthy foods. Eating that slice of cake may make you feel even more depressed, while eating some strawberries is not only healthy, but you won't feel all sluggish and gross the same way you do with cake.
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