Ever had a meal of termites?


24 Aug 2015
Local time
7:50 AM
When the rains fall in the countryside, you are likely to find families gathered together around an ant hill. They go there to trap and catch termites that fly out when it rains. Growing up I enjoyed joining other kids as we went on a hunt for termites. Our driving force was the delicious meal at the end of the hunt.
Termites are roasted over a pan and swirled around until they are browned and cooked. The wings fall off in the process and they make for a wonderful snack. It is sad I do not get them often enough these days.Sad that I have not been able to convince my kids to enjoy them as I do. What about you, what was your favorite snack growing up?
I had watched a documentary about these things you mentioned. I think they are bigger than a regular termite, the color of their body is cream or white and some varieties look like those insects found under the logs. These are full of proteins which give them the savory taste. I am not adventurous to try something that I do not usually eat but I think it is all in my mind. Who knows I might try soon
My favourite snack was probably corn curls growing up to answer the question. But at the risk of sounding silly, is your favourite snack of termites, the same termites I need to call the pest control guy for SpongeyB? Please tell.
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That does sound very interesting but I must say I can't see myself eating termites. The little buggers give me creeps just seeing them. It is all what you are brought of eating and what it considered a snack in your country. I can't think of anything that really stands out as a snack. I enjoyed as a child.

When it was strawberry season my mom would take us out all strawberry picking. We would pick enough strawberries so she could freeze them and through the winter months we would get to enjoy strawberry shortcake.
No, Termites are not a favored food here in the U.S. They are something we call the exterminator for because they eat wood around our homes. I think I have had chocolate covered ants once or twice though. They taste like raisins.
If cooked I'd have a try. After all we eat prawns and they are only a sort of sea based cockroach and taste is what you get used to. Not something we have many of here in the UK though.
Gee, I don't think I could eat those termites even if they are cooked. No matter if you say it tastes good like milk or chicken, no way, sorry. I remember when we were served fried beetle in the province. The host said those beetles were fresh because they were captured that afternoon so it is a good side dish for dinner. When I picked one and chewed it, the crackling sounded different and I imagined I was eating a cockroach, huh. No way, I couldn't swallow it so I just threw that piece from my mouth.
Gee, I don't think I could eat those termites even if they are cooked. No matter if you say it tastes good like milk or chicken, no way, sorry. I remember when we were served fried beetle in the province. The host said those beetles were fresh because they were captured that afternoon so it is a good side dish for dinner. When I picked one and chewed it, the crackling sounded different and I imagined I was eating a cockroach, huh. No way, I couldn't swallow it so I just threw that piece from my mouth.
Oh gosh! The cracking of beetle shell. That does make me feel a bit odd. But its so ridiculous really. After all, I happily eat prawns (shrimp) and crab, merrily cracking open or peeling off their shells. And lets face it, a shrimp or a crayfish isn't much removed from a cockroach or even a beetle in appearance. Its all cultural...
One mans feast is another mans hell!
I've eaten plenty of bugs and ground crawling stuff,not what I'm used to but I'd give it ago!
I like to check here ever so often to see who's willing to give this a go. I seriously have great respect for people who are willing to try what I call these bizarre foods. Everytime I stumble on that program Bizarre Foods, I see food differently. I tip my hat to all who are willing to embrace the termites big or small.
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Ah, I don't know if I'm brave enough to try this! But you made it sound so delicious lol. I have eaten a few exotic foods in my life but none of them include insects. Yet. My mom told me that they used to ate farm frogs when she was little and that they tasted like chicken. I'm trying to think of someone who has eaten insects that I know of, but can't seem to remember any.

From some documentaries here, I know some people that eat crickets, beetles and grasshoppers. But I haven't seen any which features termites as the food. Well, termites here are killed because they're notorious for destroying woods. It's amazing to know that some other regions makes meals out of them!
Just a thought - tripe, for example, is a bit of a delicacy in parts of the UK [not for me I admit] BUT it's a bit of an acquired taste. I reckon the same applies to termites - whatever you get used to is OK for you.
Ants. Dried ants are available from Harrods in London.
Crunchy, black things you can serve as nibbles next time you want an unusual aperitif.

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