Favorite food to eat during Cold Weather?

Soup and toasted bread is best for cold weather, I also enjoy eating beef stew and some other heavy meals like cottage pie and stuffed butternut when it's raining or cold.
Sometimes I do the exact opposite, and make summer dishes during the winter just for fun - such as BBQ chicken, coleslaw, grilled kebabs, etc...I've been thinking about going all out and throwing a "summer" party in the middle of winter one of these days and inviting some of my friends over with the pre-requisite that they have to dress in shorts and summer attire (they can change into them once they get to my place). It would preferably be on one of the coldest days of the season, and I would crank my heat up really high so it felt like summer - maybe make some margaritas & daquiris and do an indoor BBQ of sorts.

That's a great idea! I've never thought about taking it that far but I have thrown some food into the BBQ in the middle of winter etc. It makes for a very nice change!
I like eating tomato soup when it's cold, but other than that I pretty much keep my diet the same no matter how warm or cold it is.
My choice would also be chili! It is so versatile too! I went to a chili cook off once. I was amazed at how many different ways there were to make chili. My favorite one at the cook off was a chili that instead of ground beef has steak in it! Yum.
Definitely any kind of soup. The heartier the better. (my dad makes amazing vegetable soup) With warm crusty just-buttered bread... *drools*
Soup and toasted bread is best for cold weather, I also enjoy eating beef stew and some other heavy meals like cottage pie and stuffed butternut when it's raining or cold.
That cottage pie and stuffed butternut sure sounds like it's worth trying. I would definitely look into making some of that when it's cold outside.
My choice would also be chili! It is so versatile too! I went to a chili cook off once. I was amazed at how many different ways there were to make chili. My favorite one at the cook off was a chili that instead of ground beef has steak in it! Yum.

Wow! That steak in the chili instead of ground beef is a good idea I should definitely try that out, I am sure it will taste as good as it sounds.
During the cold weather, I love eating warm and toasted pastries, different kinds of bread and then I also make hot chocolate in a huge mug topped with marshmallows. There's just something comforting about that during the winter when I'm all snuggled up with a movie.
Sometimes I do the exact opposite, and make summer dishes during the winter just for fun - such as BBQ chicken, coleslaw, grilled kebabs, etc...I've been thinking about going all out and throwing a "summer" party in the middle of winter one of these days and inviting some of my friends over with the pre-requisite that they have to dress in shorts and summer attire (they can change into them once they get to my place). It would preferably be on one of the coldest days of the season, and I would crank my heat up really high so it felt like summer - maybe make some margaritas & daquiris and do an indoor BBQ of sorts.

What a great idea! :)
That sound like so much fun and it's so unexpected as well, it keeps the life interesting. :happy:
I'm all for theme parties and I also live for the warmth and summer, so.. it's an idea good enough for steal..
:cool: (but only with your permission, of course)
Home-made hot chicken soup with a slice of crispy bread is my solution to chilly winter days.
(I may have confessed in a previous post that I'm not the biggest fan of those.. :p:)
However, there's nothing like being snuggled up on the sofa with a warm bowl of soup, covered from head to toe with a fluff, warm blanket. Ever better if there's also a huge mug of hot chocolate involved :wink:.
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