Favourite vodka brand?

16 Oct 2012
Local time
11:11 AM
Do you have a favourite brand of vodka, or do you just take it as it comes? Vodka is my drink of choice, and as I have it in a long drink with orange juice or lemonade, I'm quite happy with LIDL Rachmaninov vodka. However, at Christmas I treat myself a bottle - no, make that a litre - of Russian Standard. It seems to have a unique, smooth flavour, and it's the only brand of vodka I can drink on its own, with some ice and a slice of lime.

I think Smirnoff is over rated, personally. What's your favourite brand of vodka?
I only get vodka for making cocktails (I'm very partial to Blue Lagoon) and tend to stick to supermarket own brands as you can't taste any difference by the time it's mixed.
I don't tend to have spirits in (except a small bottle of whisky), but I do see a lot of other people's drinking habits in my job collecting recycling. Just today it was the house that gets through 3 or 4 bottles of vodka a week - I think it's Sainsburys own brand!:wink:

I don't have a very refined palate, so I'd probably not notice the difference between brands myself, same goes for gin. I can just about detect the variation in whisky, if tutored a bit.
don't drink enough of it to distinguish brands, but a polish colleague brought me back a bottle of "Goldwasser" from gdansk a while back. It's a sweetened herbal vodka with bits of gold leaf floating in it. Very pleasant!
I don't tend to have spirits in (except a small bottle of whisky), but I do see a lot of other people's drinking habits in my job collecting recycling. Just today it was the house that gets through 3 or 4 bottles of vodka a week - I think it's Sainsburys own brand!:wink:

I don't have a very refined palate, so I'd probably not notice the difference between brands myself, same goes for gin. I can just about detect the variation in whisky, if tutored a bit.

Interesting insight there, Arch - 3 or 4 bottles a week? I hope it's a big household and they're sharing, or that they entertain a lot. Otherwise, somebody's liver is going to suffer after a while!

My palate isn't particularly discerning, and I've never found a vodka I couldn't drink, although some have a more 'peppery' flavour than others. However, I have had some undrinkable gins in the past. Try Plymouth Gin or Larios - a Spanish brand - for a great taste sensation. Even I can taste the difference with those.
Vodka grey goose £35 a bottles but friends seem to appreciate it,big promotions on in the super markets froted by Marcus wearing sporting a well trimmed salt and pepper beard,I have never been a fan of Hendricks but it is change from the normal harsh juniper varieties we have a bottle but its slow emptying served with a slice of cucumber,its a little unusual but was marketed like that from the start,the whiskey of choice at present is monkey shoulder,smooth and great for mixing,I don't tend to drink the stuff but do entertain a lot
Interesting insight there, Arch - 3 or 4 bottles a week? I hope it's a big household and they're sharing, or that they entertain a lot. Otherwise, somebody's liver is going to suffer after a while!

Sometimes some people happen to see us as we pick up their box, and say "Oh, we had a party.." Funny, they must have had a party last week, and the week before and the week before. They seem to assume we don't have memories, or can't spot patterns.

One of the houses we used to serve had a Lambrini habit. We once worked out that they got through 6 gallons a week. Every week.:sick:
Hi my first post here - and it is about vodka, what else? (I'm Russian :D)

Russian Standard is good. Absolut (unflavored) is always a safe bet. Grey Goose is nice but way too expensive for a vodka.

As far as gin goes Bombay Saphire is the best out there IMHO.
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