Food and Body Odor


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
4:19 AM
The food you eat has an effect on your personal body odor. Sure, it can affect your breath, as what is in your stomach digesting can produce gas that works its way in reverse up your esophagus to effect breath, even after brushing your teeth. And after eating, your circulatory system picks up the digested proteins, fats, sugars, carbohydrates and other materials and passes it around the body to nourish you. In the process, your body takes on tainted odor from what you ate. Your exuded body oils, sweat and ultimately, your major excretions are involved, even the condition we call mung mouth, reflects once more an effect on the breath.

Some consider that the diet of a vegetarian makes them smell nicer than the diet of a carnivore or omnivore. This is also one reason why people in different parts of the world are said to smell different from others.

I personally, don't really keep a strong check on what I eat for fear of how it might effect my BO. But there are people who do define their diets for just that reason. Do you?
It's not just body odor. Look up pineapple men and women taste, anecdotal but lots of people claim it does.
I'm sure it does affect body odor and, erm, other things, as medtran49 mentioned.

I don't think I'd ever structure my diet around it, though. Onions and garlic, for example, can be very strong-tasting, but they're too important in my cooking to go without.

I'll just stick to another swipe of the stick deodorant. :wink:
The most profound it seems is garlic. If you know the amount I eat you can see I am not concerned with smelling of it.

I think it has the most effect of anything, even though I eat it alot I can smell it on others. Thing is, I do not find it objectionable usually but some others do. Some can even smell onions on you.

I shower and put on roll on deodorant every morning. I'm not aware of any body odours, my wife would tell me if I smelt. She wouldn't hold back from telling me.
My garlic bread is full of garlic and I'm also not aware of its after smell. ?
My wife always smells nice, I think it's the white musk perfume she wears. She knows it turns me on. My fave .

I shower and put on roll on deodorant every morning. I'm not aware of any body odours, my wife would tell me if I smelt. She wouldn't hold back from telling me.
My garlic bread is full of garlic and I'm also not aware of its after smell. ?
My wife always smells nice, I think it's the white musk perfume she wears. She knows it turns me on. My fave .


Your sense of smell adjusts and you hardly ever smell yourself or your spouse/partner.
When I spend a day smoking meats, like I did on Monday, the smoke not only permeates my clothing, but also my hair and skin. I can change clothes to go to bed, and still smell smoke. When I take a shower the next day, the water activates the smoke smell. It may take two showers before the smell is completely gone.

When I spend a day smoking meats, like I did on Monday, the smoke not only permeates my clothing, but also my hair and skin. I can change clothes to go to bed, and still smell smoke. When I take a shower the next day, the water activates the smoke smell. It may take two showers before the smell is completely gone.

When you've popped your clogs, hopefully many, many years from now, they're going to do the autopsy and find a smoke ring. :wink:
There was a local radio talk show host that disliked being around folks from India. Said they smelled like curry.
There was a local radio talk show host that disliked being around folks from India. Said they smelled like curry.

Some folks from India really make their curries strong. I had been in an apartment complex where an Indian family moved out after they set their kitchen on fire. As I knew the owner of the complex, I went in after they moved out and the place would have knocked you out with curry smell, burning your eyes. I understand that they had to pay through the nose, not just to repair the fire damage, but also to wash all the walls, ceilings and floors with a special hazardous clean up crew - and then repaint everything, to get that apartment livable again.
With all the rain we have had lately, there have been time when my dog had no choice but to go outside in the rain. Talk about smells, there is nothing as distinct as wet dog.

BTW, when I showered Thursday morning, I could still just barely smell some smoke (from Monday).

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