Food that is burnt

3 Jul 2014
Local time
3:22 AM
How do you deal with burnt food? I have always wondered if it is okay to eat parts of food that have been burnt. For instance, sometimes if I fry a pancake, a fish or a hamburger, and it inadvertently got burnt because of being left to simmer for too long, I would still eat it, burnt parts and all. Is there anything unhealthy about eating the burnt sections of food? I guess it would depend on how badly burnt it is. I would always throw away badly burnt stuff that has gotten really black, since I would consider it to be inedible and would have a bitter taste too, so for me it would depend on how badly it is burnt.

What do you think? Is burnt food unhealthy to eat?.
I also run with the 'depends on how' burnt approach. If it is black and bitter then no. I won't eat burnt toast even after scrapping the black off because the toast still tastes burnt to me and tbh I can afford another 2 round of bread. It is not like I am that broke that I can't!. But with something like a lasagne where the pasta is burnt in the corners, I would just break it off and ignore that fact that it had burnt there. It is not like the rest of the food isn't OK.

I do however recall reading an article many years ago that stated eating burnt food increased the risk of cancer. I can't remember the details, its only a vague recall if you get my meaning, but I did stop eating the really burnt stuff and allowed myself to throw that part away. It isn't as though I am starving to death and need to eat every available scrap of food.
Quite an interesting subject since I for one like some things a little 'burnt' or over done. Once I had some guest and I stuck the rice in the oven to keep it warm forgetting to at least spread or spray a little oil on it. Then I heard one of the guest comment about liking their food a little imperfect. I was not happy and the slightly burnt rice was not the kind I would recommend. I was VERY unhappy, I had made that mistake and not recognise it until it was served. With something like rice a nice over fried rice is not the same as over burnt rice. Thank God the rest of the meal was good and all knew I was a decent cook, but of course that still had me thrown off.

As for weather it is good or bad, I have to say I don't like some of what I have read. The internet has a way of scaring you. I will continue to read some more before getting ahead of myself. Further, depending on how badly it is burnt, I would never eat it or make a habit of eating burnt food.
I don't mind slightly burnt food, but if it's black scorched, no, I don't eat it. I do like the overcooked goodies scraped from the bottom of pans, and I like my hash browns overcooked. @winterybella I agree, overfried rice can be yummy. @SatNavSaysStraightOn I'm with you on the burnt toast, I can't eat it, just throw it out and start over fresh.
I also run with the 'depends on how' burnt approach. If it is black and bitter then no. I won't eat burnt toast even after scrapping the black off because the toast still tastes burnt to me and tbh I can afford another 2 round of bread. It is not like I am that broke that I can't!. But with something like a lasagne where the pasta is burnt in the corners, I would just break it off and ignore that fact that it had burnt there. It is not like the rest of the food isn't OK.

I do however recall reading an article many years ago that stated eating burnt food increased the risk of cancer. I can't remember the details, its only a vague recall if you get my meaning, but I did stop eating the really burnt stuff and allowed myself to throw that part away. It isn't as though I am starving to death and need to eat every available scrap of food.
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I would say I'm very much of the "how burnt is it?" kind of mindset. If it's toast for instance, and I can scrape some of that char off, then I'm fine with it. If it's charred to the point of being like a lump of charcoal then nope - I would throw it away and start again. Burgers, I actually prefer a bit of char! So I guess it's almost a case by case basis for me!
I feel sure I might be completely alone here. When it comes to steak I really don't mind if it's a little burnt. I have never even come close to having a rare or medium rare steak. I have no desire to see the pink and perfectly grill piece.
I feel sure I might be completely alone here. When it comes to steak I really don't mind if it's a little burnt. I have never even come close to having a rare or medium rare steak. I have no desire to see the pink and perfectly grill piece.
No you are not alone - I like steak COOKED. Any idiot can make a steak taste juicy by simply leaving it bloody but it takes skill to cook it so that it is cooked and still juicy. In fact I judge a restaurant by the chefs ability to do just that. As for burnt I don' t see a problem - provided it tastes ok I'm happy with it. If it tastes like old shoe leather and looks like charcoal then it's in the bin but otherwise I'd rather it was overcooked than undercooked. I tend not to listen to what the 'experts' say either on the net or anywhere else. I find they change their minds far too often to be taken seriously.
Over here, when the food is burned then we throw it away. Not even for our dogs because we feed our dogs with prime food. When our housemaid was new, she would always toast bread and over cook to be burned. And out of shame, she would eat it so it is not wasted. So we taught her the proper procedure of using the oven toaster so her bread would not be burned. With food like meat dish or even fish on the griller, we use the timer to be safe. It is all right if it still needs more cooking instead of being burned.
i think there is difference between cooked ,caramelised and burnt,and same with a piece of toast if it can be scraped off thats not so bad,but i have no want to eat eat charcoal or carbon,never have never will,there is a saying if its brown its done if its back its .............,illl let you put your own word in,
My mind is racing to fill in the blank Berties. I don't prefer the burnt toast though. A couple days my husband brought in some barbecue chicken from on of his favourite places to get chicken. I am no fan of the place really, but there is a guarantee that the skin of the chicken will be burnt and for me that the best part in this particular case. Back to my riddle. 'If it's brown it's done, if it's back" or black?'s......
Hold the front page !charcoal made from coconut shells heated to 1000 degrees c and air blown through it ,is the new wonder food,
It can also help with paracetamol overdoses ,just watched a programme on it,£6.50 for a bottle ,does look grim though
Hold the front page !charcoal made from coconut shells heated to 1000 degrees c and air blown through it ,is the new wonder food,
It can also help with paracetamol overdoses ,just watched a programme on it,£6.50 for a bottle ,does look grim though
Isn't that a bit like the idea of the charcoal biscuits that used to be given to dogs for bad breath ?
Isn't that a bit like the idea of the charcoal biscuits that used to be given to dogs for bad breath ?

Have look see what you think the web is plastered with charcoal supplement tablets as well,it's all new to me !
Every day is a learning day......
If you go to channel four on demand ,the first programme was wonder foods ,worth a watch and I don't watch much tv
Wow. This is something to consider. For now consider is all it's going to be. What I did look up was adsorption which was completely foreign to me to tell the truth. You live and you learn. Thanks for the education.
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