Food TV Shows & Online Videos


14 Mar 2014
Local time
11:04 PM
I've been watching food shows from as far back as I remember. My aunt watched some food shows on TV for recipes back then and I'd usually join her because I found it very interesting and relaxing. I still carry that habit with me now and every now and again, I watch a few food shows or online videos to relax of get some inspiration. On Youtube, my favorite channel right now is FoodWishes, and as for TV shows, I usually just watch whatever's on, since there's so many of them, but I used to love watching Masterchef. How about you guys, which food TV Shows & Online videos do you get your inspiration from?
I've never been a big fan but sometimes with a friend we would watch some of those where the host of the show visits different areas / countries and always tries to find the best and/or strangest local dishes. I enjoy it to see the differences and not to mention the quality of even the pure size of some of the specialities.

Always makes me hungry. :D
We started watching an American programme by a guy called Tyler, he was making a traditional Irish stew for St Patrick's day using red wine and lots of garlic. As we all know the Irish are famous for their red wine and garlic, NOT, he topped it off with big potatoes cut in half and back in the oven for half an hour, no way would those spuds cook in half an hour, they were far too big. Quite clearly he has never been anywhere near Ireland or a cookery book. :banghead:

Love watching old Keith Floyd shows, Michel Roux's ponsy French cuisine works for me.
I love Jamie Oliver`s food shows. That guy has a lot of passion for cooking and explains his recipes and methods really well. He is also very friendly with anyone, something that cannot be said about Gordon Ramsey, whom I don`t like at all.
I love Jamie Oliver`s food shows. That guy has a lot of passion for cooking and explains his recipes and methods really well. He is also very friendly with anyone, something that cannot be said about Gordon Ramsey, whom I don`t like at all.

Can't help thinking Gordon is compensating for something.
Can't help thinking Gordon is compensating for something.

Hahaha! A very good one. My thoughts exactly. I just don`t like the way he bashed new cooks because they make mistakes. I bet he made a ton of mistakes as well when he was just starting out.
Hahaha! A very good one. My thoughts exactly. I just don`t like the way he bashed new cooks because they make mistakes. I bet he made a ton of mistakes as well when he was just starting out.

We all make mistakes that is how we learn
I loved watching food TV shows and online videos. For me it is very interesting and educational if you know how to cook or if you want to learn different kind of easy and simple dishes to special dishes. For me it is where I learned some recipes I want and also a good source for me to innovate some of my own recipes.
I can also recommend Gennaro Contaldo`s cooking shows. That guy has so much passion for his cooking, its incredible and he adds nice twists to most of his meals as well. He currently has a few shows on YouTube and I think he is a great cook.
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