Foods That Burn Fat And Increase Metabolism


14 Oct 2014
Local time
8:49 AM
List of Foods That Burn Fat and Boost Metabolism

It is believed that by choosing high quality thermogenic or negative calorie whole foods you are able to burn off those excess calories. This is because, for consuming these fat burning foods your body requires more energy to digest them. In this manner the extra fat is burned and converted into energy. Here is a list of the food combinations that burn fat and speed up the rate of metabolism.

✔ Water: The best way to speed up the metabolism and encourage optimal bodily functions is to drink plenty of water. Drinking around 8 glasses of cold or ice water a day helps burn those extra calories.

✔ Whey Protein: Whey protein, probably is one of the best things you can have to boost your metabolism, besides its being a complete, high-quality protein.

✔ Green Tea: Green tea and its extracts have chemicals such as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) that not only helps in burning fat but also increases the metabolism. Green tea has anticancer properties, prevents heart disease, and uplifts your mood.

✔ Lean Protein: Consuming lean protein such as skinless chicken bosoms can increase your metabolic rate. This is because the digestion of protein stimulates cellular activity leading to the burning of the excess fats. The best lean protein food choices are lean chicken, turkey bosom, egg whites, fish and seafood.
Looks about right. You really want to lose weight? Stop eating gluten and carbs. Then watch the weight fall off of you.
I think it's more about what you don't put in your mouth then anything. I agree with Josh, if you cut out processed carbs your weight really will just fall off, especially if that's combined with an increase in exercise. Processed carbs are just so bad for you and so unnecessary!
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