Foods to Ward Off Sickness

The Late Night Gourmet

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Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
3:06 PM
Detroit, USA
I just got done looking up the expression feed a cold, starve a fever, and it seems that the old saw was wrong: modern medicine suggests feeding a cold and feeding a fever (see the link above if you want to know the full story). This is good news, since:
  • I got back from a visit to a clinic, and the doctor told me that I do NOT have the flu, despite being barely able to move and unable to eat for the last 2+ days.
  • Any excuse to eat more good food is always welcome!
This brought to mind the usual remedies, like broths and such. I'm eating won ton soup, which is nice but not very exciting. So. I'm open to any suggestions. Of course, spicy food - which is usually such a big part of my diet - is out of the question.
Why is spicy food out of the question? Chillies have fantastic properties - not least that they help release natural endorphins. When I get a cold I eat mega hot curry!
If you do not feel up to par, then:

Avoid dairy .. Avoid heavy meats, deep fried anything and keep it light ..

Home made chicken or vegetable soup like a good Minnestrone ..

Perhaps you should also boil some grated fresh gingeroot and steep as you would an herbal infusión or tea and sip it ..

Could be, you need a couple of days to relax ..

Maybe you should have your cholesterol and sugar checked ( blood test ) .. Perhaps you may not be feeling well as your tensión is too high or your cholesterol or sugar ..
@The Late Night Gourmet
An interesting article. I am sorry to hear you are under the weather. I always have soups in the freezer. That is my "go to" when I have a cold. It is warm and easy to consume in small quantities through out the day. I also like soft cooked eggs when I have a cold - actually anytime. Eggs are another food that I find easy to digest and comforting. I lose interest in food when I have a cold and find it easier to eat lots of small meals. The article emphasized liquids. I drink lots of water all of the time. I add juice and herb teas when I have a cold. I am a milk drinker but avoid it with a cold - it increases mucus.

I hope you feel better soon.
Why is spicy food out of the question? Chillies have fantastic properties - not least that they help release natural endorphins. When I get a cold I eat mega hot curry!
If it were just a head cold, then I totally agree. However, my stomach isn’t being very cooperative, and I’d rather not tempt disaster.
Add ginger to your soups and broths.
@Francesca and you both recommended ginger root, and I do have my usual half pound of ginger in the fridge. I think I’ll combine with @morning glory’s other suggestion and add to some hot whiskey! :cheers:

I just checked, and there is a drink called the Hot Churchill made with rum, honey, ginger root, and hot water. I will post recipe and results, assuming all goes well.

@ElizabethB: The bad thing is, I bought a bunch of mushrooms with the intention of making mushroom soup, then I got sick. Your advice is sound, however: have some ready just in case you need it!
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The Hot Churchill
2 oz gin
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp freshly grated ginger
Hot water to fill glass

Combine ingredients and stir until honey dissolves. Heat up for about a minute in the microwave. Strain ginger out.

I really wish I had given the ginger time to steep, since I lost bit of the ginger flavor. On the other hand, my throat is feeling a lot better.

Note that I used gin instead of rum. Firstly, I was out of rum. Secondly, isn’t gin a more fitting liquor for something called the Hot Churchill? I think Winnie would have approved.
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@The Late Night Gourmet
When I make a "Hot Toddy" I usually use whiskey and add 2 crushed aspirin. Last month I had a bad cold and had a Toddy made with Apple Cinnamon Tea, 2 tbsp. honey, a squirt of lemon juice, a shot of whiskey and 2 crushed aspirin every evening. I went to sleep quickly, slept hard for a several hours then woke in a sweat - fever breaking.
View attachment 13685 The Hot Churchill

2 oz gin
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp freshly grated ginger
Hot water to fill glass

Combine ingredients and stir until honey dissolves. Heat up for about a minute in the microwave. Strain ginger out.

I really wish I had given the ginger time to steep, since I lost bit of the ginger flavor. On the other hand, my throat is feeling a lot better.

Note that I used gin instead of rum. Firstly, I was out of rum. Secondly, isn’t gin a more fitting liquor for something called the Hot Churchill? I think Winnie would have approved.

@The Late Night Gourmet

Try the same récipe with this old Cuban récipe:

Use Rum verses Gin ( preferably Cuban or Dominican )
Use Galican Orujo ( Aguardiente = Fire Water ) or Columbian verses Gin ..

You shall be better within an hour ! Assuredly so ..

Steep the ginger and add 1 teaspoon and a half ginger root or 2 teaspoons ..

Give it a go and let us know how you are feeling ..

The ginger root is for the stomach .. The Rum or better, is the Aguardiente is to knock out any virus and it is 100% Liquor .. It is a gem for these kind of virus type symptoms or fevers .. Grandmothers here swear by it ..

If you cannot find it, then go with Italian Classic Grappa !!

Then, put on sweat suit and get under a blanket and "sweat it out " ..

Check your blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar ( blood test ) .. One may be out of wack and higher than normal.
If you have what Karen and I had, the major symptoms should be gone in about 5 days. These are what keep you off your feet. Even when you're up and about, there is this lingering cough that has so far lasted 10 days for me.
If you have what Karen and I had, the major symptoms should be gone in about 5 days. These are what keep you off your feet. Even when you're up and about, there is this lingering cough that has so far lasted 10 days for me.
In reality, I know it just has to run its course. That’s why they wouldn’t give me antibiotics. But, doesn’t mean I can’t have fun trying to feel better.:)
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