Free Veggies


16 Nov 2014
Local time
12:29 AM
Washington, USA
Other than the veggies you grow in your own garden, are you ever the recipient of free veggies from others? My OH just brought home a big bag of tomatoes and onions that he was given by a coworker. We received about $10 worth for free and I am going to make a huge bowl of fresh salsa with the bounty.
Quite often to be honest.
I also used to give away large quantities of fruit and veg as well when I worked and we lived down south. Every year I would give away +100kg of damsons, +20kg rhubarb and often courgettes/marrows as well.
There is a household that always have an autumn veg/fruit box outside their home marked free that I cycle passed when I go over to my parents home as well.
My mother in law will often off load her excess veg/fruit from her allotment on us and my landlady occasionally leaves excess on our doorstep.
Yes, I have received free veggies from others more than once. I usually get them at a time when they come in handy too. These are always appreciated. They are mostly from those who grow lots of vegetables in their garden, or from friends who would have received them freely and who in turn want to share what they receive with you. I do not grow any vegetables, so I have to buy them most of the time, and some of them can be pretty pricey. What I have to give away is mostly fruit since I grow fruit trees.
I am very fortunate in this regard and if I went to the country where I was raised, I get a lot more. My mom still has the land plowed and growes vegetables for the market so as long as there is something growing, I'll get my share if I want it. Then my husband just turns up with all sorts of vegetables from friends who also have lots of produce. Sometimes the amounts are so great, we get to share with family and friends.

For the brief time my garden was alive and well, I often had things to share. Now it lies desolate.:(
My veg supplier gives me a crate full of fruit and veg every 3~4 weeks , it's like harvest festival meeting Christmas when I undo the package and my father is the most prolific gardener and I help him devour his soft fruit glut
I also have a contact through a friend for dried fruits and nuts , they come in kilo bags,
Funny you mention this as we just got a nice bounty of veggies from our neighbor the other day.

We got several cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. They just had such a surplus that they wanted to share it around! No complaints here though - we are putting it all to good use!
Envy !! I can only eat free veggies from my home. But rarely go home now.
Yes, in the summer, my local family gives us lots of fresh veggies. We basically don't have to step into the produce section for several months because of how much we get! It's wonderful, I plan to set aside the money saved each time I don't have to buy a vegetable so that I have it in winter when my income is so low and there is nothing growing here.
I get free vegetables by foraging for them. There is a great amount of sea kale growing locally, which cooks just like cabbage, and sea beet, which is also knows as sea spinach because of its taste when cooked. Then there are nettles, various types of dock and many other types of plant with nutritious leaves. I don't uproot any wild plants but I often take a few leaves from a number of plants, which I can cook as vegetables at home.
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