Gas or Electric?

Diane Lane

24 Apr 2015
Local time
3:18 AM
Texas, United States
I grew up with gas stoves, and much prefer them. I lived in several apartments over the years, but even when I didn't cook all that much, I would seek out apartments with gas stoves. Some friends have nice new sleek flat top electric stoves, but I still prefer this old clunker of a gas stove over their new electric ranges. Which do you prefer, gas or electric?
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I have had both and definitely prefer gas over electric. I just feel like I, personally, have better control over the heat with gas. With Electric, I found mysef overcooking and undercooking more often because I couldn't judge the amount of heat being put out.
I have had both and definitely prefer gas over electric. I just feel like I, personally, have better control over the heat with gas. With Electric, I found mysef overcooking and undercooking more often because I couldn't judge the amount of heat being put out.

One year, while I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner for all of my friends and co-workers, one of the heating elements in the electric oven died. That was a real pain. We ended up flipping everything upside down to get the other half cooked. Thankfully, I'd cooked the turkey ahead of time. Like you, I feel I have more control over the temperature with gas, but maybe also, in the back of my mind, the electric is unreliable, because of that incident.
Gas is way cheaper than using electricity. Electricity on the other hand is a much cleaner heat source, producing little or no soot on your cooking utensils. Electricity is however a very sensitive means of cooking because electricity is dangerous when it comes into contact with water, and you cannot avoid using water when cooking.
Power cuts of the 70's meant a change over to gas, from electric.

Bottled gas cooking equipment is available should the gas supply and electric go out at the same time. Also able to loan them to neighbours when power outages do occur. On the increase due to metal/cable thefts.

Never cooked on electric often enough to be certain how long it'd take, from turning on.
Have better luck/judgement using a wood burning Aga.
Gas at work and at home electric as we have no gas and a solid fuel Rayburn,even electric is touch and go in the winter ,the best bit of kit I have used is the rational combination oven at work ,gas electric and water it steams ,and the oven can be half steam if required ,and the best thing is it self cleans
Electric for me. I've mesh pyrophobic to some degree my whole life, so I've never gotten comfortable with gas stoves. I am also very against frackting, which is going on in the U.S. And absolutely destroying the land. I want to boycott natural gas as much as possible.
I grew up with gas stoves, and much prefer them. I lived in several apartments over the years, but even when I didn't cook all that much, I would seek out apartments with gas stoves. Some friends have nice new sleek flat top electric stoves, but I still prefer this old clunker of a gas stove over their new electric ranges. Which do you prefer, gas or electric?

Like you I grew up with a gas stove and of course had no problem with it since I had nothing to compare it with.However for whatever reason when I got married and moved into our new home, an electric stove was the store of choice. I still don't remember who made the decision but I have been cooking with an electric stove for well over twenty years so naturally I have become quite used to it. On the odd occasion when I happen to be by my mom or sister I'll have to use the gas and it does feel a little odd but I do okay. After all these years if I had to choose, I'd go with the electric.
Which is easier switch from, gas to electric or electric to gas?

Electric for me. I've mesh pyrophobic to some degree my whole life, so I've never gotten comfortable with gas stoves. I am also very against frackting, which is going on in the U.S. And absolutely destroying the land. I want to boycott natural gas as much as possible.

Not all gas stoves are natural gas. I've used gas stoves that used bottled gas. Jet had to be changed, to match the gas. But other than that, no real change.
I like a gas hob and an electric oven. I like the heat control that gas gives but with an oven, I prefer an electric fan model as I find that the food cooks much faster and more efficiently than with gas.
Yes, gas is definitely cheaper. I'm glad I have the gas stove and heat for that reason, as well. I salivate when I watch cooking shows and they have beautiful new big gas stoves, especially the ones with the grills built in. It would make life easier to be able to grill directly on the stove. I have grill pans, but it's just not the same.

@missbishi I'm not familiar with the term hob, but it sounds as if that's the burners on top. I wasn't aware there were appliances with gas stovetops and electric ovens, that sounds interesting.
I have had both and prefer the gas stove top. When the power goes out with an electric stove you are stuck. The gas cooking eye can be regulated better than the electric cooking eye.
I prefer using electricity to cook my food. Electric cooker cooks faster than gas. I hate the smell of burnt gas that sometimes fills the kitchen. I however do not fear dangers of gas leaks.
I prefer using electricity to cook my food. Electric cooker cooks faster than gas. I hate the smell of burnt gas that sometimes fills the kitchen. I however do not fear dangers of gas leaks.
If you can smell burnt gas there's a problem.
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