Review George Foreman indoor/outdoor electric Grill


7 Oct 2016
Local time
8:07 PM
We bought this about 2 weeks ago. It is great for anything you want to grill. The base stays cool so you can put it anywhere or it comes with a stand. It is 1600 watts. The grill part is removable so it is very easy to clean. It is also nonstick. It takes less than 5 minutes to clean.
I think you need to add a bit more information to this.
Why did you buy it?
Did you look at other models/brands?
What size is it?
Is it for use outdoors and in or both.
@morning glory I do believe if you look at the title of the thread, you will see that it is an indoor/outdoor grill. So it can be used either indoors or outdoors.
We bought it because we kind of wanted a grill and it was cheap. Note we got it second hand.
The grilling surface is 240 square inches.
Oh my God! How stupid am I? Sorry. :oops: I'm interested in this because I often want that barbecue flavour but can't get it indoors with present equipment.
Oh my God! How stupid am I? Sorry. :oops: I'm interested in this because I often want that barbecue flavour but can't get it indoors with present equipment.
Sweet one, you are going to have to define barbecue flavor. Then I will help you get what you need.
This is expensive for what it is. I smoke things sometimes using a large foil lined pan, trivet and lid. But that isn't the same as charred smoky. I think I'm asking the impossible. An indoor BBQ.

Re your George Foreman Indoor/Outdoor - what is the advantage over a standard George Foreman countertop grill (which I used to have)?
This is expensive for what it is. I smoke things sometimes using a large foil lined pan, trivet and lid. But that isn't the same as charred smoky. I think I'm asking the impossible. An indoor BBQ.

Re your George Foreman Indoor/Outdoor - what is the advantage over a standard George Foreman countertop grill (which I used to have)?
Are you talking about the one with the flip up lid?
I just googled the countertop grill. There is a world of difference between the two.
The countertop grill is really only designed for quick cooking mostly meats. It heats from both the top and bottom. You cannot do foil wrapped foods in it. Nor could you do anything quick
The grill I have, you can do quick foods or longer cooking foods. It has a cooking surface and a high domed lid.
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