Getting Hangry?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
7:17 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
How many of you experience hanger?


I'm SUCH a hangry person when I haven't eaten. Seriously, I'm a super-grouch. Any time I'm in a bad mood, my husband's first reaction is "do you need a snack?" which probably explains it all.
lol I like it. Can't say I have ever gotten that way over food.
It would definitely be recognized in the dictionary because
there are many people who get like this, especially kids.
I am from the days of the proverb which said as we all know " a hungry man is an angry man". I guess I should embrace this new word and save myself some energy. I will spread the word. I know this hangry feeling quite well. It's still showing as misspelt Classic33.
My husband who is afflicted with acid reflux cannot afford to get hungry. His temper rises whenever hunger pangs would hit him. That is why at the first sign of hunger, he would be eating anything that is handy. But ordinarily, he would order food whenever possible. When traveling, he would bring snacks like nuts or biscuits that would at least control the acid in his stomach. When he gets so hungry he would become unreasonable at times due to his temper.
I am from the days of the proverb which said as we all know " a hungry man is an angry man". I guess I should embrace this new word and save myself some energy. I will spread the word. I know this hangry feeling quite well. It's still showing as misspelt Classic33.
Well its there in the Oxford Dictionary!
This happened to me a lot when I was in college. Food was tight and I was studying 24/7 therefore no one was allowed near me everytime I was preparing for exams. LOL. Anyway it's always good to have some peanuts by your side or a granola bar in your purse so no one will ever see your hangry side.
How many of you experience hanger?


I'm SUCH a hangry person when I haven't eaten. Seriously, I'm a super-grouch. Any time I'm in a bad mood, my husband's first reaction is "do you need a snack?" which probably explains it all.

I don't usually let myself get to the point where I am hangry. If I think, I am going to be somewhere I can't eat, I have a snack, before or immediately afterward to avoid that hangry feeling. I was pretty hungry when I was work the other day, and luckily I had some food in the car, so when I got ready to leave, it was there and waiting.
I have to say the first time I heard this word was at work and I laughed because now there is name for how I'm feeling. I love it. I have to eat every few hours or my blood sugar levels drop and I can pretty grouchy. I noticed that my son is the exact same way. As soon as we see his mood change we immediately give him a snack and he becomes a regular person again.
I have to say the first time I heard this word was at work and I laughed because now there is name for how I'm feeling. I love it. I have to eat every few hours or my blood sugar levels drop and I can pretty grouchy. I noticed that my son is the exact same way. As soon as we see his mood change we immediately give him a snack and he becomes a regular person again.

I'm always glad to hear I'm not the only one!! :hug:
I've taken to just stashing a granola bar in my bag whenever I have to go out and run errands, to save getting caught short and not having a snack when I need it!
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