Recipe Gluten-free pancakes


11 Apr 2014
Local time
11:07 AM
Have you ever tried making pancakes with gluten-free flours? I particularly prefer organic buckwheat flour which I use every morning for my breakfast pancakes. I have also tried out various different mixtures, using rice, corn, coconut and quinoa flours, with interesting results. I simply like to experiment, and am never quite sure what the outcome will be. Most of the time things go well, but occasionally I don't get the consistency right and my pancakes turn out to be scrambled blobs... it can happen. :)
Does that happen or has that happened because of the sort of flour that's used, though? Lacking gluten maybe making them less sticky? Although eggs should take care of that, maybe it's just an adjustment needed for the nature of the main ingredient being replaced. Eggs can also be replaced with ground chia seeds or flaxseeds in cold water, but I'm not sure if those seeds are good replacements because of extra gluten... In any case, kitchen experiments are fun! I'm looking forward to trying my hand at oatcakes, but of course being oat-based they've got a lot of gluten.

I have more experience with rice flour (being Asian), but coconut flour certainly sounds interesting as well.
I love gram flour pancakes. I eat them all the time. Have you looked at the recipe for La Socca that is gluten free, egg free, dairy free.... in fact it is pretty much gram flour (chickpea flour), olive oil and water. You don't even need to add the ground cumin if you don't want to.
I love gram flour pancakes. I eat them all the time. Have you looked at the recipe for La Socca that is gluten free, egg free, dairy free.... in fact it is pretty much gram flour (chickpea flour), olive oil and water. You don't even need to add the ground cumin if you don't want to.
Yes, I have made pancakes with chickpea flour, which is called besan flour here. Just as you say, you don't have to add much at all to the flour. Olive oil, a pinch of salt and water is enough. I usually let the mixture stand for a couple of hours, and sometimes even overnight. It gives the pancakes a deeper, richer flavour. :)
Have you ever tried making pancakes with gluten-free flours? I particularly prefer organic buckwheat flour which I use every morning for my breakfast pancakes. I have also tried out various different mixtures, using rice, corn, coconut and quinoa flours, with interesting results. I simply like to experiment, and am never quite sure what the outcome will be. Most of the time things go well, but occasionally I don't get the consistency right and my pancakes turn out to be scrambled blobs... it can happen. :)
I use oats to make pancakes. It's pretty simple, mix the oats up in a blender with some water, add a littler sweetener to the mix, a little baking soda. They come out good.
My favorite pancake recipe is made of egg, almond milk and flax, they are super simple but they come out really good. You need 2 eggs, 1/4 cup of ground flax, 1/2 cup of milk, a pinch of salt and baking powder. You can cook them like normal pancakes but they are a little fragile so you have to be careful. You can also replace the flax with almond meal if you prefer!
Red Mill makes a gluten free pancake mix, it uses egg though so if you do not eat eggs forget it. I have made it with coconut oil and it is okay, The pancakes rise fine, just cut back a bit on the oil. I don't melt the oil first, I think it's better in the solid form.

I don't as a rule use almond meal, I will usually try rice flour which seems to work fine, it is lighter though so the constancy on some things does change. I will see if I can find chick pea flour, They might carry that at the Chinese grocery, it is hard to find some products here that are organic or gluten free.
I've been meaning to try buckwheat pancakes for a long time but just haven't hsd the time of motivation in the morning to do it. I believe I have had them before though and really liked them. Maybe I'll do it this weekend. I haven't hsd pancakes in ages.
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