Goat's Cheese- Love It or Hate It?


19 Mar 2014
Local time
5:24 AM
I live in the UK and regularly watch a program called 'Come Dine With Me'. People visit each other's homes over the week and each takes a turn to host a dinner party. They are then scored on their efforts. There are two foods that people regularly say they will not eat when they read the menus. These are fish and goat's cheese. These two ingredients are the ones that are regularly left on the plate as people refuse to even try. Personally, I absolutely adore goat's cheese and will often order meals containing this ingredient when eat out. At home, I often bake some goat's cheese in the oven with cherry tomatoes, season with black pepper and then serve with salad and caramelised red onion chutney.

Do you love or hate goat's cheese? If you hate it, why? If you love it, what do you make with it at home? Give me some fresh ideas.:)
First time I tried it I could not stand the smell, but some years later I had some less smelly goats cheese and I loved it. I used it like feta cheese in Greek salad and I agree that it is lovely with cherry tomatoes. You can spread it on toast, add the tomatoes and heat under a grill.
I have tried goat cheese one time and it was not a great experience. I hate the smell of it and I most defiantly do not like how it taste.
I LOVE goat cheese. It's definitely one of my favorite types of cheese. I love throwing it on salads, especially with balsamic vinegar. I also put it on pizza sometimes with spinach and tomatoes. I also eat it a ton on crackers as a snack!
We don't usually get goat cheese because it is often more expensive as compared to regular cheese. When we do, it is often given to us. We use goat cheese on Quattro formaggi pizza or on salads. You can use on grilled cheese sandwiches and also on quesadillas. The smell may be off-putting to some, but when cooked, most people wouldn't mind the smell at all.
I wouldn't say goats cheese is bad.. I do enjoy it in some dishes. It fits really well on top of pizzas and into some salads. However in general I'd much rather go with other cheeses.
It's interesting to read that so many of you put it on pizza as this is something that I had not considered. I agree that it goes well with balsamic vinegar. I will have to try it with spinach too.
There are some really nice and very non-smelly goat's cheese available on the market now (in the UK) in particular a very nice brie made by Capricorn... I think it is... very easy on the palette and definitely not smelly. It is worth a try.

Sadly I can't have any dairy products anymore, but goats and sheeps cheese used to feature highly on my list!
There are some really nice and very non-smelly goat's cheese available on the market now (in the UK) in particular a very nice brie made by Capricorn... I think it is... very easy on the palette and definitely not smelly. It is worth a try.

Sadly I can't have any dairy products anymore, but goats and sheep's cheese used to feature highly on my list!

I don't think I have ever tried sheep's cheese, but would happily do so. I think that the choices for goat's cheese are almost as varied as cow's milk cheeses now. I am a fan of cheese in general.
Big fan of goats cheese, for a starter my husband cuts some into squares, wraps them in proscuttio then gently fries in a dry pan until the ham starts to crisp and the cheese starts to melt. Very rich so only 2 small portions served with salad, delicious.
I like goat cheese but do think it can have an overwhelming flavor so it is best to use it sparingly. I like the original posters suggestion of baking it with cherry tomatoes and serving it with salad...sounds delicious! Whenever I cook with goat cheese I put it in a salad, generally a walnut, goat cheese, spring mix salad. The goat cheese packs just enough punch, but not so much that it is all you taste. I once made mini cheesecakes with goat cheese and it was a unique flavor. I paired it with a caramel sauce which seemed to balance the flavor from the goat cheese.
I have never tried goats cheese. From the way it sounds from the above posters, it's an overpowering and strong cheese. I'm willing to give any food a try at least once and goats cheese would be one.
I have never tried goats cheese. From the way it sounds from the above posters, it's an overpowering and strong cheese. I'm willing to give any food a try at least once and goats cheese would be one.

It depends on which you buy, I have tried some that were dreadful and others that were delicious, I suppose it is like many other things you have to find the one you like.
I have never tried goats cheese. From the way it sounds from the above posters, it's an overpowering and strong cheese. I'm willing to give any food a try at least once and goats cheese would be one.

I think that is a good analysis. I have always thought that with a lot of cheeses it's how you prepare it/ serve it that makes all of the difference. Since goat cheese has such intense flavor I would definitely suggest using it sparingly when you first incorporate it into your cooking.
I don't really like it. Frankly, I am not a fan of cheese. I used to love them, but then one day, I just stopped eating cheese. I especially hate cheese spreads. :(
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