Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cooking Course


10 Sep 2013
Local time
11:24 PM

I want to teach you how to cook good food at home. By stripping away all the hard graft and complexity, anyone can produce mouth-watering recipes. Put simply, I'm going to show you how to cook yourself into a better cook.

First thing first, I don't really enjoy Gordon Ramsay attitude, and knowing few things he did in the past I don't consider him a decent person.
BUT This book, is simply amazing, it's more of an everyday use book with simpler recipes than other chef book include. And you don't need higher knowledge or how to treat ingredients and what not. I keep this book in my cupboard and running to it almost daily for ideas.
I think the Gordon Ramsay you see on television is a persona. It's not the real him any more than Stephen Colbert is really a "Bill O'Reily" type. I'm sure he's a little brash and I'm sure he doesn't sugar coat things with his staff, but I think the Hell's Kitchen guy is just for television. I could be wrong, but either way, I'd be willing to give the guy a chance if I met him in person. I'm sure his food is amazing and I'd sure love to look at the book.
I like GR's cooking so I might buy it, l'll have to have a peep through it before l buy:)
I will give him props, he does know and understand how to cook, and doesn't just rattle off recycled "cooking tips" that all the other "TV Chefs" do time and time again. He goes into much more detail and gives a much more thorough explanation behind his methods. I also like that with his cooking shows, he sticks to actual cooking, and doesn't spend 3/4 of the show yapping about everything else going on in his life. If I have to hear one more of these TV "chefs" tell me about how to cut a jalapeno and how the seeds are the hottest part, I'm going to throw my TV out.

What exactly did he do that makes you not consider him a "decent person"? lol. I know there were a few minor controversies in the past where he kicked food critics out of his place and served vegetarians food with meat in them - but nothing really scandalous that I recall. His show Kitchen Nightmares has a bad track records (most of the places that were renovated went out of business within a year), but the responsibility fell in the restaurant owners lap after the crew left.
I love Gordon Ramsay. He may be abrasive but if anyone here has ever worked in a real kitchen before... Nice gets you no where. He instills the fear of God into people if they are making mistakes in order to scare them right so they don't make that mistake again. After the chastising he goes back to a caring and passionate person. Perfection is his forte. It is absolutely clear that he is passionate and loves what he does. His track record speaks for itself. Just watch him in action on the British version of "Kitchen Nightmares" which can be found on Netflix.

I have used 2 of his cookbooks before and I highly recommend them... 1 is his newest release "Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking" and the other I use is called "Gordon Ramsay's World Cooking"

Both are excellent!
I love Gordon Ramsay. He may be abrasive but if anyone here has ever worked in a real kitchen before... Nice gets you no where. He instills the fear of God into people if they are making mistakes in order to scare them right so they don't make that mistake again. After the chastising he goes back to a caring and passionate person. Perfection is his forte. It is absolutely clear that he is passionate and loves what he does. His track record speaks for itself. Just watch him in action on the British version of "Kitchen Nightmares" which can be found on Netflix.

I have used 2 of his cookbooks before and I highly recommend them... 1 is his newest release "Gordon Ramsay's Home Cooking" and the other I use is called "Gordon Ramsay's World Cooking"

Both are excellent!

So you believe television programmes are 'real' then? :scratchhead:
Sounds as if Gordon Ramsay plugged into the needs of the average cooker. What steers a lot of people away from home cooking is time and complicated recipes. So, his book is one I might want to check out.

And yes - this guy's attitude is a bit much for me. What made me angry recently was a neighbor kid was visiting me and complained about the drink I served him. At first, it was too sweet (although it was sugar free) and then there wasn't enough ice cubes. He told me that he was acting like Gordon Ramsay to me. After his remark, I sent him home to his mother.
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