Great British Hygge - Request for recipes for blog post


Über Member
21 Nov 2016
Local time
10:10 PM
Hi everyone

The 'hygge' is becoming something of a trend here in the UK. Based on the Danish practice meaning 'cosy', a 'hygge' is all about making quality time for yourself and for friends and family.

Food plays an important part in this. I'm currently working on a blog post at work about the idea of a 'great British hygge' and am looking for recipes to include as part of that. I'm thinking warm, rich, very British foods, maybe with a twist.

Does anyone here have any recipes that would work for this, and would be willing for me to use those recipes if I credit them to you?


Sounds interesting Laura, what's the web address of the blog?

Shaun :D
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Interesting article and I like the idea however I must say I do find the whole idea just a tiny bit 'smug'. Fine for those with close knit families [or indeed any family] cash to spare and time to spare. Many people do not have these things [and I mean here in the first word not the third]. A nice idea but not always realistic
Interesting article and I like the idea however I must say I do find the whole idea just a tiny bit 'smug'. Fine for those with close knit families [or indeed any family] cash to spare and time to spare. Many people do not have these things [and I mean here in the first word not the third]. A nice idea but not always realistic

My thoughts too. But then, I'm a pathological cynic! And I have antennae which quiver at the merest whiff of 'smug'. In times of stress and change, we look for comfort. Or is it that 'comfort' is promoted by the media to placate us? Anyway right now both the UK and the USA are in those stressful times...

However, I am thinking that 'Hygge' foods are really comfort foods - and we are good at that in the UK! So - comforting, sharing food... I'm sure we may have some ideas for that kind of thing on CookingBites.
Hygge - so that's like sitting in front of the fire with your nearest and dearest on a cold winters day drinking cups of hot soup, right? Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us have been doing that for years. Give me strength...
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Hygge - so that's like sitting in front of the fire with your nearest and dearest on a cold winters day drinking cups of hot soup, right? Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us have been doing that for years. Give me strength...
@laurahampton hasn't been back since she posted this... it would have been interesting to know more about what she was working on.
I don't know how we have survived all these years eating comfort food in front of a roaring fire without the aid of a cook book to accompany the event. Perhaps a range of greetings cards and hygge specific clothing is called for. How about some "Keep calm and carry on hygging" cushions and mugs? Am I right in thinking "trending" is a term referring to large numbers of vacuous morons doing the same stupid thing because they are incapable of original thought?
I don't know how we have survived all these years eating comfort food in front of a roaring fire without the aid of a cook book to accompany the event. Perhaps a range of greetings cards and hygge specific clothing is called for. How about some "Keep calm and carry on hygging" cushions and mugs? Am I right in thinking "trending" is a term referring to large numbers of vacuous morons doing the same stupid thing because they are incapable of original thought?
Keep calm and Hygge on I can find as a poster... but there are loads of T shirts

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