Happier Family with Family meals?


14 Oct 2013
Local time
8:21 PM
I always heard when I was younger in school that families that ate together, are happier. I ate some meals with my family, but other times we ate and watched TV. I found that the meals we ate around the table were more enjoyable because then we talked about our days and made memories, laughed. The dinners I ate watching TV, to me they weren't to enjoyable because, it was kind of like secluding yourself and feeling not as loved. Do people find that when they eat family dinners together that the dinner is more enjoyable?
I think the same thing:) that's why so many children don't talk to there parents because at meal times they are in their bedroom eating their dinner instead of being around the dinner table and its sad that this is happening.
I remember myself having meals with my family at the dinner table and enjoying the moment, not just sharing memories but joking and even making plans together.

Later, with the arrival of the Internet, I began to eat at my computer, my sister at her bedroom, my mother in the kitchen while serving food and my father dinning out.

Took many years before we would start sharing our meals sitting at the table again as we do now whenever we can.
I think family dinners together are more enjoyable than eating separate. When you are together you can laugh and joke and tease each other as you share your meal. It is a time when everyone is happy to me. It's a shame that there are some families that don't do this.
I think eating dinner together should be kind of a tradition. Now with everyone running left and right it might be the only time of the day when everyone is at home, so it would be a real shame to not spend that time savoring delicious food together.
That's one thing I miss being far from home because I'd eat with my mom or my dad or my siblings and we'd just talk about something. Something silly or something stupid and had some laugh about it. With my husband ,I enjoy making something to eat and watch movie together.
I always heard when I was younger in school that families that ate together, are happier. I ate some meals with my family, but other times we ate and watched TV. I found that the meals we ate around the table were more enjoyable because then we talked about our days and made memories, laughed. The dinners I ate watching TV, to me they weren't to enjoyable because, it was kind of like secluding yourself and feeling not as loved. Do people find that when they eat family dinners together that the dinner is more enjoyable?

That is so true, especially in today's world where we only know to be in a rush; to the extent of rushing through our meals as well. So, to sit together and have at least one meal is such a good idea. I know that personally. Also, while we are able to share our happiness, we also end up talking about our challenges through the day and many a times such beautiful solutions come by that I am left amazed. So, not only is the meal more enjoyable but the general feel of being together is fun too.
I like sitting at home and having a big meal with my family. We tease each other a lot so our family meals are always a fun affair. We also talk about what is going on in our lives. It's a good feeling when you are able to enjoy a good meal with family.
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