Has anyone seen or heard of this item?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
10:16 PM
Brighton, MA.
Sansaire Sous-Vide Immersion Circulator..jpg

Here's what it looks like. it appears that commercial versions of this are widely used in the food service industry, such as hospitals, restaurants, etc!!

It is supposed to revolutionize the way that you cook food without use of the stove by heating, timing & recirculating the boiling water.

Don't know about anyone else, but I like my steak broiled under a broiler or cooked on a BBQ grill - NOT placed in a bag and boiled in water! I like to see the grill marks and taste the charbroiled flavor of the steak!! :headshake:

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I believe I have heard of these. I think they are for a totally different style of cooking than grilling. Not everyone wants to have charbroiled steak since some people think it's actually really unhealthy. I don't think I would get this though, I don't need more gadgets.
I believe I have heard of these. I think they are for a totally different style of cooking than grilling. Not everyone wants to have charbroiled steak since some people think it's actually really unhealthy. I don't think I would get this though, I don't need more gadgets.

Neither do I!
It would probably just get used only once, and then sit somewhere on the shelf and not get used again!! :headshake:
Presto Options Multi-Cooker.jpg

I already have THIS when I want to cook something that doesn't require use of the stove!
And it costs only a FRACTION of what the gizmo above costs!! :wink: :headshake:
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its the same principle as commercial water bath you cook a vac paced portion of meat slowly to a certain temp and then seal it off in a hot pan to caramelise the meat,its all about what temp for how long I've seen loads of crazy things cooked slowly ,like a egg for 1hour at a low temp ,I'm not a big fan but have used them,
it does create a controlled cooking medium
its the same principle as commercial water bath you cook a vac paced portion of meat slowly to a certain temp and then seal it off in a hot pan to caramelise the meat,its all about what temp for how long I've seen loads of crazy things cooked slowly ,like a egg for 1hour at a low temp ,I'm not a big fan but have used them,
it does create a controlled cooking medium

An hour for an egg?!!
That's nuts!!! Who does that!! And you still have to brown the meat either in a pan, under the broiler or in the oven?!!! This is all crazy.
Buying that gizmo only means that if you want slow cooked foods, then it is not worth it!!
If I want to slow cook something, I'll use one of THESE!! Which I ALREADY HAVE. :thumbsdown: :stop::headshake:

An hour for an egg?!!
That's nuts!!! Who does that!! And you still have to brown the meat either in a pan, under the broiler or in the oven?!!! This is all crazy.
Buying that gizmo only means that if you want slow cooked foods, then it is not worth it!!
If I want to slow cook something, I'll use one of THESE!! Which I ALREADY HAVE. :thumbsdown: :stop::headshake:

View attachment 871 View attachment 872
i did a course to use water baths or sous vide and vacum packers once,its not really my thing,it has its uses,but I'm more old school,Escoffier never had any of these gadgets ,i like gadgets that make life easier,a lot of 2 and 3 michelin starred establishments use water baths ,they make food service more consistent ,less chance of over cooking,
i did a course to use water baths or sous vide and vacum packers once,its not really my thing,it has its uses,but I'm more old school,Escoffier never had any of these gadgets ,i like gadgets that make life easier,a lot of 2 and 3 michelin starred establishments use water baths ,they make food service more consistent ,less chance of over cooking,

Also, what good does it do to use a hot water bath for cooking a steak when it has to be broiled of grilled anyway?
To me, that makes no sense. And to avoid overcooking, I use the timer on the microwave to alert me when something is done enough. :headshake:
Have a quick read
It not a device so much for home it is more akin to cooking large numbers of let's say a lamb loin fillet to a medium rare degree then keeping it at that degree for a while before sealing it be fore serving it at the end,opposite way to how it should be done you also can inject flavours into the vac pac,it has its purpose
An hour for an egg?!!
That's nuts!!! Who does that!! And you still have to brown the meat either in a pan, under the broiler or in the oven?!!! This is all crazy.
Buying that gizmo only means that if you want slow cooked foods, then it is not worth it!!
If I want to slow cook something, I'll use one of THESE!! Which I ALREADY HAVE. :thumbsdown: :stop::headshake:

View attachment 871 View attachment 872
We use our slow cooker a lot at home and sometimes have two on the go as I did last week,one with harisa pork belly and the other a Rosemary lemon and garlic pork shoulder,now the warm weather is here we can have the meat in wraps or brioche buns or just as a roast meat ,but the slow cooker is high ,medium or low ideal for slow cooks 15 hours is a norm for pulled pork
We use our slow cooker a lot at home and sometimes have two on the go as I did last week,one with harisa pork belly and the other a Rosemary lemon and garlic pork shoulder,now the warm weather is here we can have the meat in wraps or brioche buns or just as a roast meat ,but the slow cooker is high ,medium or low ideal for slow cooks 15 hours is a norm for pulled pork

Oh well, I'll pass. :headshake:
To be honest, it just looks like a fancy version of boil in the bag to me. I can understand how it could be very useful in a commercial setting but it looks like far too much fuss for a household kitchen.
Have a quick read
It not a device so much for home it is more akin to cooking large numbers of let's say a lamb loin fillet to a medium rare degree then keeping it at that degree for a while before sealing it be fore serving it at the end,opposite way to how it should be done you also can inject flavours into the vac pac,it has its purpose

Who in their right mind is going to want to wait 72 bloody hours, from start to finish, just for fork-tender short ribs?
What stark-raving idiocy?!! :headshake: :stop:
Who in their right mind is going to want to wait 72 bloody hours, from start to finish, just for fork-tender short ribs?
What stark-raving idiocy?!! :headshake: :stop:
there are a lot of people with their own ideas ,some push the barriers of what you or me may perceive as the norm,
some establishments serve dishes on dry ice ,or give you a sound of the sea whilst serving sea food or just unusual foods such as snail porridge or bacon ice cream
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