Have any of you tried Fiddleheads?


5 Jul 2015
Local time
3:04 PM
Fiddleheads are a seasonal thing here on the east coast. They are only available for a short period. I liked them either steamed or sauteed. They are so tasty.


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I have never heard of fiddleheads or seen them before. I do not know if we get them here where I live. From what I am seeing in the photo here, they resemble string beans. Are they anything like string beans? What do they taste like? I will have to ask some people around here if they have ever seen them or if they know about them. They seem like something I could use though. I like most vegetables.
I've never eaten fiddleheads because I wouldn't know where to get them. I have heard of them though. They feature prominately in a Stephen King book; The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.

So what do they taste like?
I had to google this one because I suspected I knew what they were from the photo, but I had no idea they were edible, In fact I thought they were poisonous and they may well be in the UK, but apparently they are not in US. They are fern heads before they uncoil and they are a New England delicacy and must be picked in the 2 week window before the fern head unravels. Digging a touch deeper reveals that it is not just any old fern that can be used (so that confirms what I thought). It is the ostrish fern that produces these edible shoots which have a unique texture but taste a bit like asparagus or okra (so similar to using hop tips instead of asparagus then). Fiddleheads should only be consumed thoroughly cooked - again confirming the poisonous bit once they get past this stage.
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digging a bit deeper, the following ferns can be used (from wiki, so please double check!) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddlehead_fern

  • Ostrich fern, Matteuccia struthiopteris, found in northern regions worldwide, and the central/eastern part of North America (Health Warning)
  • Lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina, throughout most of the temperate northern hemisphere.
  • Cinnamon fern or buckhorn fern, Osmunda cinnamomea, found in the eastern parts of North America, although not so palatable as ostrich fern.
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Don't believe they are grown or foraged in the UK ,I just recognise it as a fern shoot,
I have never heard of fiddleheads or seen them before. I do not know if we get them here where I live. From what I am seeing in the photo here, they resemble string beans. Are they anything like string beans? What do they taste like? I will have to ask some people around here if they have ever seen them or if they know about them. They seem like something I could use though. I like most vegetables.
They are not like string beans. They have a more bitter tasting, more like the taste of leafy greens or even asparagus but stronger flavoured . It is hard to describe. It has a unique taste. It seems that you either love them or you hate them, there is no in between. lol
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