Have you ever taught anyone to cook?

21 Oct 2014
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10:02 AM
I would have to say indirectly. When I met my husband some decades ago I don't think he had much experience even in washing dishes. That said, cooking was well out of his reach. About five years later, I was convinced he would never light a fire in my lifetime.

Today, I am happy to say that my husband can put together a meal that he can be very proud of. I can only imagine that watching and learning from me served him well. I often remind him I "taught him" everything he knows.

I would love to teach my son but that's proving to be a challenge.
No, I have never taught anyone how to cook. I think people learn how to cook by watching and observing, except they are at a cooking class where cooking is being taught. I cannot say that my mother taught me how to cook, but being around her in the kitchen and observing what she did, and helping out where I could, was how I learnt. I would then let her have days off from the cooking, and do it all by myself. So, it was merely by observing and then putting into practice what I saw that helped me, and I think that others will learn by observing what I do also.
I've taught a few friends some dishes as they have watched me cook and they have helped out. That's the best way usually. I find it's practice and also confidence, if things o wrong to figure out how to sort it out and not get upset. People always expect me to know certain dishes because of my ethnicity and want me to teach them, which is annoying and stereotypes people, because not all Indians cook Indian food well or all Russians know how to make borscht, but people expect them to because that's where they are from.
I am teaching my teenage daughter a few things about cooking, but I have never taught another adult how to cook. It would be hard for me to do because you either have the skill or you don't. I could teach someone the basics, but it is easier just to direct them to cooking shows to watch.
I would have to say indirectly. When I met my husband some decades ago I don't think he had much experience even in washing dishes. That said, cooking was well out of his reach. About five years later, I was convinced he would never light a fire in my lifetime.

Today, I am happy to say that my husband can put together a meal that he can be very proud of. I can only imagine that watching and learning from me served him well. I often remind him I "taught him" everything he knows.

I would love to teach my son but that's proving to be a challenge.
My oldest son learns just from watching. I am the type of cook that always alters the recipe to fit my needs. My wife on the other hand sticks to the recipe most of the time, and that's one reason why my food taste better.
My oldest son learns just from watching. I am the type of cook that always alters the recipe to fit my needs. My wife on the other hand sticks to the recipe most of the time, and that's one reason why my food taste better.

I am like you Karmasun1. I make recipes my own. I almost never follow a recipe to the letter. That's why I cook better than I bake. Baking requires you to stick to the recipe most times.

I am hoping this year my son does some cooking. Real cooking. He says he's been watching me so hopefully he will do well.
I didn't teach but rather inspired! When I moved in with my housemates, I noticed they ate out for all their meals. For me eating out is a social thing I do once in a blue moon, most of the time I cook at home. So after cooking I would offer them what I cooked and they really liked it. A while after they started seating with me while I was cooking to see how I prepared my meals. One day I came home and found one of them cooking! They said they liked how I always made meals from few ingredients and had the meal ready in a short time. They still eat out but once or twice in a week I see them cook at home....makes me smile :)
I am currently teaching my twins to cook. They love to get in the kitchen with me and are not afraid to get their hands dirty. I love that they wanna help. I have started them off with breakfast and soon we will be moving on to great lunch entrees. They make great pancakes, eggs and sausage. They are 6 years old so they have many years to keep learning and growing their craft.
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