Healing Foods


28 Nov 2014
Local time
11:18 PM
Nevada United States
Food is not just for enjoyment or survival. Food can heal. You just need to know what foods have what properties, such as cinnamon lowers blood pressure or bitter melon fruit helps with maintaining sugar levels in diabetics. Here is an article in Live Strong that talks about some of these foods and how they can help you. Just by incorporating these foods into your diet at least twice a week can help to improve both you and your families overall health.

List of Foods That Heal the Body
Amen to this! While I might have seen similar post from time to time this one is quite timely as I feel I have to make some serious health decisions. I need to see if I can bring about that healing before it is too late. I have long known that certain foods are recommended for addressing certain health issues, but being consistent has been my problem.

I should probably stop thinking it has to be an overnight thing and approach things differently. The suggestion to try this approach at least twice a week sounds like a good place to start.
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This is an interesting subject. The only thing I can comment on is the use use of nettle tea which helps hay fever [don't know if it does anything else but it does contain iron I believe]. This has two benefits
1 - helps with the hay fever and
2 - gets me some revenge on the nettles.
I am a firm believer in juicing. I do eat food but I juice extensively for the vitamins. i ran into a vegetable this summer that I tried called lemon grass, it is used as a fungal fighter in the body and is actually very delicious. It really does taste like a lemon. I made juice but I did find recipes to add it to vegetable stir fry or as a tea. Juicing on its own is pretty health because you are giving the body raw nutrients that we do not usually get in the traditional diet. Because you can do fruit or vegetable you can consume much more in juice then you would eat otherwise. Turnip juice is especially good, I understand it is an anti viral and helps the blood and eyes.
I am a firm believer in juicing. I do eat food but I juice extensively for the vitamins. i ran into a vegetable this summer that I tried called lemon grass, it is used as a fungal fighter in the body and is actually very delicious. It really does taste like a lemon. I made juice but I did find recipes to add it to vegetable stir fry or as a tea. Juicing on its own is pretty health because you are giving the body raw nutrients that we do not usually get in the traditional diet. Because you can do fruit or vegetable you can consume much more in juice then you would eat otherwise. Turnip juice is especially good, I understand it is an anti viral and helps the blood and eyes.

Do you blend as well? We had a thread going here that was asking if we blend or juice or which was better. From my recollection I think the majority of us went with blending as it was felt the nutrients remain while with juicing you might lose some of the nutrients. I guess at the end of the day as long as we are using the "healing foods" that's the most important thing.

I am glad you mentioned the lemon grass. I have been learning of so many vegetables in my "old age" I can't believe I have lived this long and would have missed out on some of these healers.
Do you blend as well? We had a thread going here that was asking if we blend or juice or which was better. From my recollection I think the majority of us went with blending as it was felt the nutrients remain while with juicing you might lose some of the nutrients. I guess at the end of the day as long as we are using the "healing foods" that's the most important thing.

I am glad you mentioned the lemon grass. I have been learning of so many vegetables in my "old age" I can't believe I have lived this long and would have missed out on some of these healers.
It's the fibre content that you lose with juicing and without the fibre your body absorbs the natural sugar far too quickly from fruits (so veg have sugar as well but normally not as much so it is less of a problem with juicing veg only).
Ginger is a good spice for an upset stomach and joint pain. Parsley tea will help your body release water that it has been holding onto if you are feeling a little bloated and need help to release the water. I strongly believe the body will heal itself if it is given the right food.
We have fever few flowers in the garden and make a tea from them which is good for migrane and head aches,
We are using a lot of healing foods. Garlic for instance is used for mild toothache. Ginger ale for lost voice. Sambong plant for cough. Fruit juices are used as excellent source of Vitamin C and Minerals. Papaya and Banana for digestive problems.
When it comes to healing foods garlic has anti fungal and anti allergy properties and can help lower the blood pressure too. Onion and Ginger Juice is good for colds and coughs. Bitter melon is good for diabetes. Carrots is good for the eyes, for diarrhea and for cancer prevention. Green tea has many antioxidant properties that is good for our health. There are still many other healing foods that we should take in consideration as a preventive measures and to be included as part of our daily diet to help us maintain the good health of our families.
When it comes to healing foods garlic has anti fungal and anti allergy properties and can help lower the blood pressure too. Onion and Ginger Juice is good for colds and coughs. Bitter melon is good for diabetes. Carrots is good for the eyes, for diarrhea and for cancer prevention. Green tea has many antioxidant properties that is good for our health. There are still many other healing foods that we should take in consideration as a preventive measures and to be included as part of our daily diet to help us maintain the good health of our families.
I am aware of the benefits of those foods. The last time I was getting a cold it disappeared after I made myself a bowl of onion soup. I also make my own ginger tea and I use a lot of fresh garlic in my cooking.

There is something else that can help prevent the onset of diabetes, and that is the fig leaf. A local fig tree supplies me with leaves throughout the summer. I dry these to make fig leaf and fennel tea. Fennel also grows locally in abundance and is beneficial to health.
Another very good item to add to the diet is mushrooms, you can replace and reduce your intake of meat by adding mushrooms to your meals. Mushrooms have healing powers for cancer and diabetes, different mushrooms have different healing powers.
@Food4thought Thank you for liking my post. Me too I used a lot of garlic in my cooking because I am aware of its healing properties. I may say that I had no colds and coughs for a couple of year already maybe it is because that we always drink fresh ginger tea at home and it really do wonders for our health.
There is also one plant that we consider as the "healing wonder of nature" and the world's "superfood" because of its amazing health benefits and my mother always boil its leaves and drink its tea everyday. And at the age of 83 she is still so strong because she is eating many natural healing foods including this one. This is called "MORINGA OLIEFERA" or Malunggay. This tree grows anywhere in my mother country. That is why I missed eating malunggay since i got married and now lived here in my husband country where there is no malunggay tree.

Moringa oleifera

Here are the reasons why the Malunggay Tree is a must in everyone’s backyard:
  • Malunggay is Rich in Antioxidant – it can prevent lifestyle related ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, cancer and more.
  • It helps strengthen the immune system.
  • According to studies, it has anti-cancer compounds or phytochemicals that can help stop the growth of cancer cells.
  • Malunggay is a good source of vitamins A, B and C and minerals such as calcium and iron. It is also used to combat malnutrition especially among infants and nursing mothers.
  • Malunggay is proven to be anti-infectious, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory.
  • All parts of the tree are usable -Malunggay leaves is good for treating headaches, gastric ulcers and diarrhea ; Malunggay pods are good for treating liver and spleen problems and Malunggay seeds can treat gout, cramps, sexually transmitted diseases, boils, arthritis, and more.
  • It can promote weight loss with its high fiber level, low fat and calorie content.
  • Malunggay is beneficial for reproductive health – widely believed to enhance sexual activity (aphrodisiac) and the young leaves are widely used to increase the milk flow of lactating mothers.
Malunggay can be included in some of your favorite dishes but it is also sold as powder, tea and capsules. If you also want to make your own Moringa powder, here are the few simple steps:
  1. Harvest the leaves of Malunggay. Let it hang on an airy place but don’t place the leaves under the sun as it will cause discoloration.
  2. After 2 or 3 days, once the leaves are already “crispy”, cook the leaves for about 2 minutes in a frying pan.
  3. Pound the leaves until it is in a powdered form.
  4. You can now use it as a tea or put it in an empty gel capsule that is available in your local drugstores.
Go natural–explore the wonders of Malunggay and reap its powerhouse nutritional value!

- See more at: http://www.clarkisit.com/malunggay-moringa-worlds-superfood/#sthash.EFFQMZYC.dpuf


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