Homemade Cheesecake


13 Feb 2015
Local time
5:33 AM
It seems that everyone adores cheesecake. I know I do. In fact, it is probably my absolute favorite thing to eat. I used to always think that cheesecake would be hard to make at home but I was wrong. It is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Have you ever made this yummy dessert at home? They are so much better than some store bought ones out there. My daughter has become quite an expert at making them.

As for my favorite, I am not sure if I have just one. My daughter just made a banana cheesecake for my birthday. I think I probably love a plain one with strawberry or blueberry topping, and whipped cream, of course! How about you?
I have had many different experiences with making cheesecake, not all of them so good. The last cheesecake I made was with my mom, and we finally nailed it! It was an old recipe of hers, but every time she made it, when it was done she would pull it out of the oven and it would slowly shrivel and deflate. So the last time, we finally learned our lesson, and when it was done baking, we turned off the oven and let it sit in there overnight (it was already late). In the morning there was the highest, puffiest, lightest cheesecake we had ever seen!
I have made cheesecakes at home before but I found that the ingredients were quite expensive. I tend to save them for special occasions, as an alternative to a traditional cake. Chocolate cheesecake has to be my favourite, but I do like caramel, toffee and pecan flavours too.
I prefer to buy my cheesecakes premade because they taste better from the bakery than what I can make at home. I do avoid any Asian cheesecake though, because I found that they use yellow cheese instead of cream cheese and I once had a slice that was very gross. Perhaps it was just the bakery I went to.
i have had some lovely homemade cheesecake time and time again. I actually don't remember buying any in ages. I read recently, that it's really not that difficult to make and I have plans on trying to make my own soon. I'm still learning in the baking department but I look forward to a favourable result. Apparently, it's one of those things that might not as difficult as you would think.
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The first time I ever tried to make a no bake Blueberry Cheesecake is not good. What happened it is not firm maybe because I had not measured carefully the right amount water for the gelatin powder mixture that is why it is very tender even it had been placed in the refrigerator for hours. But the sweetness is just okay and the base of my cheesecake is good. That is why whenever there is an occasion in the house and we had visitors we just bought one in a bakeshop that specializes on cheesecakes. But I will still try to learn again and this time I will try a Mango Cheesecake and this is one of my family's favorite too.
i love baked cheesecakes and true home made cheese cake made with full at cream cheese,I can not stomach the bought ones ,i mean they really upset my stomach
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