How do you like your meat?


24 Sep 2013
Local time
8:17 PM
A lot of people like there meat different so which one are you rare? Meduim rare? or well done?:)
My favorite meat is New York strip steak cooked rare, preferably over a charcoal grill.

When it comes to beef, I prefer rare cooking because I love its bloody juice texture and taste :wink:
For me it's medium to medium-rare. While I can, and will, eat a steak that's slightly undercooked it has to at least be hot all the way through. When I was a kid we used to always eat ours well done, because that's how my dad ate his. You know, fathers always know best when it comes to steaks. As I got older, though, and started cooking my own I realized that maybe mine was wrong about that one. Not only are the steaks more juicy and tender, but there also seems to be quite a bit more flavor in a medium done steak compared to a well done steak. Maybe it's just my taste buds playing tricks on me, but that's what I've found.

So, yeah, for me it has to be no more than medium.
I'm 50-50 between well done and medium. Here in France anything well done still usually runs away screaming and bleeding when you stab it so in here it's definitely well done for me. In other countries where well done is actually well done, I tend to go for medium.
I have always liked my meat well done. I don't mean burned but I also don't like seeing pink meat or for that matter bloody meat. I know that some people think that rare or medium gives you the best flavor of the meat. But for me it has to be cooked, and cooked means well done. Anything else just isn't acceptable for me.
I am a well done person. I don't really like to see any pink in my meat. I want to make sure it's cooked all the way through without making the meat too tough to eat.
I love rib eye. I prefer it medium rare. I want it not to dry and not too raw. I want it to be juice but not bloody.
I used to be a medium rare girl, but I'm solidly a medium fan now.

Too many breaking stories of ecoli and everything else for me to even trust anything less than medium anymore. If I don't know where my meat came from, I'm not risking it.
I stopped eating steak at restaurants. I went one day and asked for it well done and it wasn't. I will just cook my steak at home the way I like it from now on. I guess I will just eat chicken at restaurants from now on.
Medium/well all the way, I can't stand raw meat products. I eat it if it's at a restaurant or something, but if I'm cooking on my own I like to make it as crispy as possible. Some people think I'm weird. :(
When I was first introduced to steak I didn't know how to have it, so I went like my dad and got it medium rare and I loved it too. Now I like it rare too. Its all about getting used to it. I fine with blood on my plate so its don't really bother me that much, I know a lot of people don't like the sight of blood. I am a huge steak lover.
Rare. As said once in the 10th Kingdom tv series, I believe, just let the animal look at the oven, die of fear, and then serve it to me. My family would always cook steak medium and after I was introduced to rare, I was just disgusted that I had eaten it any other way. I had never been a fan of steak before that, thinking it was too dry and not that pleasant overall.
Rare. As said once in the 10th Kingdom tv series, I believe, just let the animal look at the oven, die of fear, and then serve it to me. My family would always cook steak medium and after I was introduced to rare, I was just disgusted that I had eaten it any other way. I had never been a fan of steak before that, thinking it was too dry and not that pleasant overall.

I have never heard of the show but I think I would like it. I really like that saying ( I don't know what to call it) that has made my day.
To me it depends on the cut and the thickness. For cuts that are softer and not too dry, I prefer medium rare to well done. When it's a drier cut and cut too thin, I like it rare to medium rare. I would say medium rare for all to be safe, but I do have preferences according to each cut
I'm more of a medium-well to well done type of girl. My x-fiance's grandfather used to practically order his steak raw..he would tell heat..just throw it on the plate..and we would all have to sit there and watch him consume this blood filled piece of raw was horrible..he also used to blow his nose right at the dinner table....ewwww. lol
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