How do you like your meat?

I always ask for my steak to be well done or EXTRA well done. I don't want to see even the slightest bit of pink. I don't know why, I just have always been that way. I want it cooked so much that it is almost dry. Its almost like I want my steak to be like beef jerky. Sounds gross, but thats just how I like it! I can't explain it other than thats just how I prefer it.
My husband on the other hand always asks for medium well. He likes a little bit of pink. For me, when I see pink, I automaticall think in my mind "Oh no! It's not done!" That's just my silly mindset.
I guess we all just have our own tastes. :)
I used to eat everything rare, including burgers, but the more I learned about food safety over the years, I generally do medium rare for steaks and medium well for burgers. It's not good to eat burgers rare because all the bacteria and other contaminates are worked into the meat. With steaks, it's safer since all the bad stuff is on the surface of the meat instead. The only caveat is that some grocers are now "tenderizing" steaks with pokers, that pushes the surface bacteria down into the steaks.

I like the meat to be cooked enough to get a nice dark brown exterior, which is another reason why I prefer them more cooked these days. When cooked over a wood fire it's not so bad, because the steak will get nice and brown but still be rare on the inside. But on a stove top grill, you often need to cook it longer to get that color.
I think I prefer medium-rare. Well seared on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside. That totally depends on the dish of course, but with steaks and such I always try to fry them this way. I don`t always succeed though and sometimes medium-rare becomes well done. :)
If it is a steak or other solid piece of red meat, I am a medium rare fan. For ground beef or chicken etc., I like it medium well done. I would prefer a slightly less cooked burger but I know that there is an increase in the potential for bacteria with the increased surface area. I grew up with one side of my family cooking everything to death and the other liking it more rare. I have definitely opted for the nice pink center.
And, of course, certain dishes like Ahi Tuna or sushi need little done to them.
I am one of the few people in my family who like it well done. I even get scoffs at fancy restaurants here in Los Angeles when I ask for my meat well done. They pretty much look at me like I am ruining my meal. I wish I could eat it any other way, but if it is pink then it freaks me out.
I know it's a cardinal sin, but I always like my meat well-done. If it's a little pink that's fine, and I've gotten a lot less squeamish about this over the years, but I still really prefer a properly cooked piece of meat. Beef is also the only meat I can tolerate being a little pink. What's with this undercooked pork trend?
I am a very well done person. Seeing any pink what so ever grosses me out. I never used to eat meat until I was 21 and was told that I needed meat because of things it provides. I eat more white meat than red meat but either way, all my meat must be very well done before I touch it.
Cardinal sin or not, there is no way that I'll eat meat with *any* pink showing... it gags me, like Sweetkymom said... can't deal with that. So absolutely well done for me.

I'd rather see it half burned than still mooing, oinking, gobbling, or clucking at me.
Whenever I am cooking I always want my meat to be well done. I see to it that it is well cook and no trace of red or pink color in the meat before I eat. For me uncooked meat is not safe to eat. And everytime I eat in a restaurant or any food store and I see it is not well done I try to catch their attention and let it well done for me.
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