How do you take your coffee?


9 Sep 2013
Local time
12:52 AM
Ontario, Canada
How do you take your coffee?

I love having my coffee black. I like dark roast and really bold flavors. I don't like flavored coffee or creamers because I find they taste too artificial. I also like adding a tiny bit of cinnamon at times. But I generally don't feel the need to add anything to my coffee. However, I do like the different lattes at Starbucks. I know that contradicts everything I said.
If I am at home and have a coffee (and this is a big if), it will be black and sweet and not too strong.

If I am out and have a coffee (and even rarer event) I will have a latte made with soya milk and about 6 sachets of sugar (which equates to 3 teaspoons of sugar) - and only that many because I am usually cycling somewhere and it is always made with the 'professional' soya milk which is unsweetened and I find it needs extra sugar (I have been known to use as many as 8 sachets (and on one memorable occasion 10!) if I have had a large latte! I love watching people's faces when they start counting how many I have put in! :eek: :D)

I typically cycle between 150 miles and 200 miles a week, so don't really have to worry about the very occasional coffee (may be once a month!)
I take my coffee iced! I absolutely hate hot coffee. It just isn't for me. I have never enjoyed it for some reason. But ANY flavored iced coffee or frappe is right up my alley. I also love coffee flavored ice cream!
It depends on the temperature and what I'm up to making. Lately, the mornings have been warm so I may make a simple iced coffee with raw sugar and chocolate or vanilla almond milk.
Other times, I may add in an instant cappuccino mix for that special texture and flavor. Or keep it classic with cream and sugar. I like my coffee light.
I like my coffee either black or with just a little bit of milk, and I also usually put on sweetener instead of sugar. I also like dark strong coffee, preferably espresso and Italian kinds. I'm obsessed with coffee so I drink a lot!
I take my coffee with liquid creamer. I can't use powdered creamer, as it always tastes off to me.
I usually spring for a light roast. I've started to buy Starbuck's Veranda blend until I can find something I like better. I generally use a splash of milk before I pour my coffee, then once I add coffee I usually do a couple teaspoons of sugar.
Recently I discovered that whipped cream and a tiny sugar in my coffee is absolutely delicious!
Medium roast, black. I don't like a lot of cream in mine, and I never put sugar in it. I drink my coffee exactly like my father did, which is probably where I picked it up from.
Black with a little bit of sugar in it. Sometimes I do add milk just to change things a little bit, variety is the spice of life and all that.
I usually only put enough coffee to color the milk, in which I usually put so much sugar that the spoon refuses to turn.

It's an unhealthy habit that I'm trying to break, but the best I can manage is to transfer my sugar addiction to chocolate malt drinks!
I don't like coffee that much so if I drink it it has at least two creams and two sugars. Thankfully, I don't drink it that often. However, I love Frappuccinos. I make them at home though so I can use almond milk and control the amount of syrup I put in the drink. I used to have one every day. I've stopped that though and only have one a week or so.
I tend to buy those chilled Frappuccino things that Starbucks make. Those things are very tasty! Also, when i don't drink that stuff, I go for Bulletproof coffee. Bulletproof is a company that makes coffee with butter in it. It's very tasty, and the butter gives the coffee a different effect. Instead of getting one fast rush that leaves you jittery for the rest of the day, you get more of a slow release of endorphins that lasts longer, and doesn't cause you to crash in the afternoon. Really good stuff!
At home, I take my coffee black with a bit of muscovado sugar for a hint of sweetness. When I'm drinking coffee as a side beverage to cake or cookies, I take it black and unsweetened.
My preference would be dark roasted beans freshly ground just before brewing. I use a simple drip brew cup.
When I'm outside or when at Starbucks, I order frappes just because I can't make those at home. I usually buy the caramel macchiato.
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