How do you take your coffee?

I don't drink coffee anymore, but back when I still did, I usually just took it black, but even then, I wasn't really all that adamant with this rule. When it comes to coffee, I don't really mind almost any variation as long as the coffee itself tastes good and the bitterness isn't too strong. I'm not too picky when it comes to coffee, even though I can appreciate the higher quality ones, but I'm already perfectly happy even with the instant 3-in-1 mixes.
I am not much of a coffee person, I much prefer black tea, but on the rare occasion I do drink coffee I like it with a little sugar and some cream. Sometimes if I am having it after dinner I will add some flavored creamer but for the most part I do not want my coffee too sweet. I tried black once, and couldn't do it so I like to keep a happy medium.
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