How long does food take to affect your system?


11 Oct 2012
Local time
1:07 PM
Eccles, Salford
Warning, potential Too Much Information...

We sometimes get samosas from an Indian supermarket round the corner from work at lunchtime, and today I decided to have one. They are right on the top edge of my hotness tolerance, but I enjoy them.

Anyway, I was sitting here just now, and thinking, Hmm, my tummy's a bit grumbly....

To cut a long story short, soon afterwards, the world fell out of my bottom. I feel fine now. But there was a definite sensation of heat on the way out, just like the hotness of the samosa...

I don't think there's anything wrong with the samosas, I think it's just the level of chilli that affects me. But how soon does eating something affect the digestive system in that sort of way, or does it depend on the chemical/bacteria/whatever involved?
If it's strong enough - within the hour - that tell-tale deep rumble in the nether regions ...and then the 100 yard dash (and grab a cold toilet roll from the fridge on the way past!!). :roflmao:

But I'm never sure whether it's the strong food I've just eaten or something from a previous meal that has simply been set off by the food just ingested.

Anyone have a clue as to how it all works - you know, technically speaking?
If it was a food poisoning bacteria it would take time to multiply so would become evident in 12 to 24 hours. It could happen much sooner but to be honest you would know something was wrong long before you consumed it. Hopefully fab foodie will be along with a much better explanation.
It can be all sorts of things that can cause issues like this. I know if I have savoy cabbage it takes less than 1 hour for my body to 'auto cleanse'... nothing to do with food posioning or bacteria just savoy cabbage does not like my gut, which is a shame because I like it!

If I have sheep's or goat's dairy, then my intolerance will kick in usually that night, - something at lunch will give issues closest to the top of the clock, something eaten for evening meal (usually 6pm) will give issues for me usually around 4am. Either way means no sleep because the issues are that it triggers my asthma and constant coughing fits to clear the excessive amount of muscus from my throat. Cow's dairy on the other hand takes about 30secs to 2 mins if that for allergy side of life to kick in and that is another matter entirely - one that can threaten my life.

Food poisoning on the other hand is one of two things. If it is really bad, then it is vomitting - your body trying to clear it before it gets into the gut; so badly toxic food. Less severe, but just as unpleasant and this is where the time factor comes in, is the time it takes for the 'nasty' bacteria to multiply to toxic levels in your gut before it is flushed the other way. Usually 8-24 hours, sometimes upto 48 hours but it depends on how much you ate in the first place, you digestive transit times, what else you have eaten, what food the bad bacteria have to multiply with and how robust your digestive system is.
It sounds like it's just the spices that irritated your gut, rather than anything wrong with the food itself. Sometimes, if Tony overdoes the spices in the beef curry, it will send me scuttling within the hour. Luckily, we have two bathrooms, and the nearest one is only about 7 yards from my favourite perch on the sofa. I'm very familiar with the feeling of the world exiting through my lower orifice - that's why we have dark brown bathroom mats - just in case. :sick:
I don't think anything affects me so much that I notice it as definite cause. If I eat something dodgy (very rare) then I will know because I feel nauseous pretty fast.
Spicy bean meals affect Mrs Colly quite rapidly. Doesn't stop them being eaten though.
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