How long will you allow cooked meat in the fridge?


7 Apr 2015
Local time
7:05 AM
My husband I really disagree on this. I will go no longer than 3-4 days with cooked meat in the fridge before I am ready to throw it out. I try to eat leftovers immediately the next day, but it doesn't always work that way. My husband on the other hand will allow the leftovers in the fridge for over a week and he still thinks it is good! I know it really depends on the food, but when it comes to meat I really cannot take that chance. How long is acceptable for you?
the rule of thumb the catering industry in the uk, is that the product that is to be kept has got to reduce its heat to below 8 degrees c in 90 mins and then it is labeled with the production date and then used within 48 hours and stored under 4 degrees c
After 3 or 4 days in the fridge, if it isn't eaten up by then, I put it in the freezer. :wink:
No longer than 3 days, I think there will be more bacteria after too long time.
I allow food to stay in the refrig 3-4 days and will not cook more fresh food as long as I have two days of cooked food in the refrig. If the food is not eaten in 4 days I put it in the freezer for later either soup or make something else out of it.
Over a week is a lot! I would say 5 days, tops. I will usually eat it within the next couple days, otherwise I'll toss it. I don't like the taste of old meat.
I can't bear the thought of eating cooked food past the second day, depending on what it is. If it's meat like chicken then one day. If it's silverside or beef/lamb roast type meals then 2 days. If vegetables then next day. I never put fruit in the fridge, unless it's like stewed apples but that would be a one day thing too.

I can't understand people leaving it in there for 3+ days and eating it, I am pretty sure most food safety guides say 3 days is the limit for cooked meat, and 2 for thawed (including thaw time).

Also to the two of you freezing cooked food and reheating it I am pretty sure that is the BIGGEST no no in the book and it sounds really gross ha ha :eek::headshake::sick:.
I am a little finicky when it comes to meat and I will not let it stay in the fridger for more than 4 days. If it starts to look as though we are not going to use the meat within a couple of days, I will place it in the freezer until such time that we are going to use it, It is better to be safe than sorry.
I am okay with two or three days but recently my husband who didn't eat left overs years ago will eat it after many more days. Where meat is concern I like to get it out of the way quickly.
I get a bit funny about cooked meat in the fridge and don't like eating it past the 24 hour mark. I'm sure that it's perfectly safe for a day or so after this but I just can't stomach the thought of eating it after a day. I just try to ensure that there aren't any leftovers to begin with, or maybe just enough for a sandwich later in the evening.
Why is it that men tend to think nothing ever goes bad & the person suggesting you throw out the items that have clearly been in the fridge too long is a crazy person? My guy is like a garbage disposal. Anything can be put in his face. You would think drinking some chunky milk out of a carton would have stopped him but no. Perhaps it gave him the ability to ignore more labels & smells?
I think this is one occasion where our noses come in handy. If it passes the smell test, then I'll usually take a small bite. If it passes that test then it's still good.
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