How many of us have a carbon monoxide detector in our kitchens?

Do you have a Carbon Monoxide detector in your kitchen?

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Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:48 PM
SE Australia
I was wondering how many of us have a carbon monoxide detector in our kitchens?

After a narrow escape, only saved by my asthma and a carbon monoxide detector a few years back I now have 2 CO detectors in my kitchen. My asthma suddenly started to give me issues for no reason at all. I remember looking at the CO detector and seeing it flashing red, but there was no audible alarm. I was confused and light headed. I recall picking up the CO detector which brought it closer to the cooker and immediately it went off.... I knew I needed to open the door and window and that stopped the CO detectors. I ended up in hospital needing oxygen and it took months for me to fully recover - one of my main problems being that I knew the words in my head but found that there was a delay before I could actually talk - at least this was an improvement from the night it happened. I understood what people were saying to me, but could not make myself understood to anyone.
I dont have gas, but i have a wood burning stove, and a calor gas fire although I don't use it anymore. I do however have a carbon monoxide detector in the living room.
We have gas heating in our home, so there are CO detectors in just about every room of the house. This is the first time I have ever lived in a home that has these detectors and had to have our landlord give me a tutorial on how they worked. It is nice having the peace of mind that they are there and that they would be audible should a problem arise.

SatNav_ Sounds like you got very lucky and what a scary situation to be in! How long did your speech problem last?
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