How often do you skip breakfast?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
8:35 PM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
Everyone knows the saying "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" a question for you - how often do you skip breakfast?

I feel like in my teens and early 20's, I used to skip breakfast a lot. Rarely if ever would I actually eat something first thing when I got up. These days in my early 30's I feel like if I don't have breakfast (and coffee!) then I'm not functioning properly. I don't really know what prompted the change...but I definitely eat breakfast every day of the week now without fail.
I don't remember ever skipping breakfast. When I was growing up, breakfast was always one of my daily meals, and I have not changed that pattern over the years. On a few occasions I may have taken it later than usual because of going for early morning walks or seabaths, but it is never neglected. I think it is important to start my day with a decent sized breakfast. Just drinking a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate drink, would not classify as breakfast for me. On many occasions it would include some kind of cereal followed by an egg, toast and a beverage of some kind. I am one who believes that it is the most important meal of the day.
I miss it too often if it really is the most important meal of the day. The few days I do breakfast are too few to count but I am working on changing that.
I miss it too often if it really is the most important meal of the day. The few days I do breakfast are too few to count but I am working on changing that.
I wouldn't worry too much. I think there is a lot of hype about how its the most important meal...
I never skip breakfast. My mother has always been very particular about meals. She never let me skip any of the meals. She would often say that if you are not much hungry then eat a little but eat!
I never skip breakfast. My mother has always been very particular about meals. She never let me skip any of the meals. She would often say that if you are not much hungry then eat a little but eat!
Sounds like good advice and I am sure it saves you a lot of stomach issue down the road. Because of my inconsistent eating patterns, I think my stomach doesn't function at its best. There is something to be said about good eating habits. As for breakfast being the most important meal of the day, I think the jury is still out on that.
I skip breakfast on occasion. I try to eat something most days but sometime the stomach just doesn't feel up for it. I think it is important to start your day off with breakfast.
When I was still in College and when I started working already sometimes I do skip my breakfast. But when I got married I always eat my breakfast as early as 6 am in the morning together with my husband because he goes to work early that is why we ate our breakfast early too. My breakfast eating lifestyle had changed too.
I don't know if this could be considered skipping breakfast. I wake up before 5am and reach the office by 7am. That's the time I would have my breakfast because I cannot afford to spend much time at home in the early morning for the heavy traffic would catch me. But during weekends, we would be having breakfast on the same time although I would wake up at around 6am. My husband said that I should be eating something during my trip to the office so my stomach doesn't have to wait for a long time to have breakfast at 7am.
I never skip breakfast. At the very least, I just eat some peanuts, a muffin, and a banana. I see people in my school always being tired in the morning and I think part of it is not having breakfast.
I know people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it isn't important to me and I skip it often. Most times it isn't done on purpose, I'm not always hungry in the morning and plus I'm just not a breakfast person.
I had a friend who would keep an apple on her bedside table, to eat first thing in the morning. I'm not that militant about eating first thing in the morning, especially since I usually go around turning off the outside lights, scooping the litter boxes, taking out the trash, making coffee (or tea, depending on the day), and feeding my cats and the strays before I can consider making breakfast. I sometimes will come post on the forums and check email and my online shops before I eat breakfast, as well. It's rare when I can't wait to eat upon waking, because my stomach's usually upset anyway, so I will take something to calm it, then maybe eat something fairly light afterwards. I think drinking water when I wake up is more important than eating.
It is very rare we don't eat breakfast, we both need the energy to start the day, on saying that we had a late night and didn't get up until about 11.30 this morning so we went to our local garden centre for lunch then had a look around for a few bits.
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