How well done do you like your steaks?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
10:07 AM
Brighton, MA.
Steak Degree of Doneness..jpg

How many of you have a favorite preference for the doneness of your steaks?

I prefer medium well to well done. :)
I prefer it to be medium well or well done but honestly I'm not very picky and would probably eat steak any way.
I like mine medium well. I want a little link but not that much. I have tried my steak well done and it did not taste as good. It took some of the flavor out.
Yeah, well done seems to be a bit on the overcooked side. Most of the time I order it medium well. :wink:
My preference has changed over the years. In my teens, I liked well-done. In my early twenties, I liked steak cooked medium well. As long as there was no blood. I am now in my mid-thirties. Although I couldn't eat a rare steak or one that was leaking blood all over the plate, I am now a medium person.
I like mine medium well because I don't like the very pink and raw meat of rare, but well done makes the beef tough so having it in between is good enough for me. I'm alright with medium because it's much more tender that way but I usually can't get over the raw bit.
I like my steaks well done. My stomach is very sensitive, so I try to only take in well-cooked food. I wonder how rare tastes like though.
I like mine medium to medium rare. :) But a trick I've learned is to cut off the fatty bits (works well for T bone) and then ask them to put that back on the grill until very seared. It's a fantastic side to the meat. :)
I like mine medium rare actually. OMG. I'm getting hungry looking at the picture.
I like mine rare.
My wife likes hers medium.
My (10 year old) son likes his blue or even less. He wants his steak to just walk through the kitchen!!! I do insist that he has it at least blue.

I find the picture in the OP to be a poor example of the different 'shades'. Apart from 'rare' and 'well', the others have a mixture of both well done and rare. Rather like a sandwich. Properly cooked, it should have an even colour all the way through be it, rare, medium, well. I've managed to perfect the art of making it even all the way through. Long story which I'll post about another time :).

Very well done to the point its almost burnt. The thought or even a look at raw meat being served makes me sick to my stomach. I usually smother my burnt steak with sour cream and steak sauce. Its oh so yummy!
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