I hate buffalo wings


Über Member
29 Mar 2016
Local time
11:37 AM
What is the deal with buffalo wings? It's a household staple for us. My family asks for hem at least once or twice a month. My husband gets annoyed because I don't like to cook them. It really is the buffalo sauce that I loathe so much. I can't stand the smell of it. I think that it's the mixture of tangy, spicy and vinegary mixed together. Oddly enough. My husband doesn't like BBQ sauce on his chicken. Do you guys have any types of chicken that you "don't" like?
We have a buffalo sauce that we always used that I hated! So one day I got fed up and tossed some ranch with some franks red hot and used THAT as the buffalo sauce. Ha! It was a hit. It wasn't exactly good for you either but atleast we could all enjoy it. Being from a tropical location, you would think I'd enjoy pineapples in sauce. Nope... I hate chicken in pineapple sauce. Sweet and sour chicken I absolutely despise especially if there is chunks of pineapple in it.
I love Buffalo sauce! I am sorry you hate it!! Have you tried a different recipe or brand of sauce? Maybe you could make part of the wings BBQ for you. :happy:

I use Frank's and butter for hot wings at home. The ranch sounds tasty! I will have to try that next time. :hungry:
heavily breaded Deep Fat Fried chicken. No likey! I like to season marinate my wings, season and bake we don't fry at home anymore. (health reasons) doesn't always work but I try. LOL! anyway, it has got to be awful that your family loves that stuff so much and you have a hard enough time with the smell of the sauce let alone having to do all the work for something you won't eat! make em go get them elsewhere! when they want Hot wings, it's dinner out! For ALL of you! that would solve my problem. Good Luck!
I love buffalo wings. I guess each country has their own version of it. I had watched a video about the Wing King. They showcased a couple of sauces and I find them interesting as they are not the usual sauce you find anywhere. They invited people from all over and it was fun watching while learning new recipes.
I am not super keen on buffalo sauce either. I mean I like buffalo wings but I would get annoyed if I had to make them all the time for the family. I have some sauce in my fridge that has been in there forever, since one time i made fake buffalo wings with cauliflower. Well, there are so many varieities of wing sauces now maybe you could experiment with different types until you find something everyone in the family likes.
I'm not a fan of wings at all. In fact the only chicken I really care to eat is breast meat chicken. I hate anything that's dark meat, just a personal preference, but my hubby doesn't mind so it all works out I guess!
I'm so sorry if you hate buffalo wings, I love them to them. I guess it;s the vinegar-y smell that gets to you huh? You can always try a recipe without it. Add on a lot of sour cream and celery on the side to counter the taste.
A good long time on the earth and I have never had them. Just can't even pin point why, but I never have. Maybe it's because I usually don't want wings unless I have prepared them myself or it's a crispy wing I prefer if I must have them out.
We prefer our wings plain and simple, no sauce. So basically just mini fried chicken I guess. There used to be a bar and grill that served the best wings. My husband and I would go there during "wing night" where they would be plentiful and cheap. Unfortunately they closed a few years a go and now we can't find a place we like. It's probably for the best anyway, all that deep fried goodness isn't, well, good for you.
Would you believe? Recently my son brought home some wings and if what I tasted were buffalo wings then I am converted. I just need to make my own now. They were quite good.
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